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  • конструкции

    А. Е. Местников. Тепловая защита зданий на Севере: материалы, изделия и конструкции

    Тепловая защита зданий на Севере: материалы, изделия и конструкции

    А. Е. Местников

    Основу книги составляют результаты многолетних научных исследований (1970–2008 гг.), проведенных творческими коллективами Якутского государственного университета им. М.К. Аммосова, Якутского проектного и научно-исследовательского института...
    В. И. Колчунов. Жилые и общественные здания: краткий справочник инженера-конструктора. Том II

    Жилые и общественные здания: краткий справочник инженера-конструктора. Том II

    В. И. Колчунов

    Приведены данные для расчета и конструирования новых и реконструируемых железобетонных, в том числе панельных и каркасно-панельных, каменных, металлических, деревянных конструкций гражданских зданий, оснований и фундаментов при проектных и...
    Юрий Михайлович Низовцев. Конструкции и методики, исключающие формирование пробок и заторов в условиях города

    Конструкции и методики, исключающие формирование пробок и заторов в условиях города

    Юрий Михайлович Низовцев

    Существующий в настоящее время подход к регулированию транспортных потоков при движении с повышенной плотностью не может решить проблему образования заторов и пробок в крупных городах всего мира. Выявление недостатков этого подхода дало...
    А. М. Соловьев. Совершенствование привода геологоразведочных буровых установок вращательного действия

    Совершенствование привода геологоразведочных буровых установок вращательного действия

    А. М. Соловьев

    Приведены результаты экспериментальных исследований частотно регулируемого привода применительно к буровым установкам на твердые полезные ископаемые, разработана математическая модель для определения необходимых параметров привода при его...
    Carl-Alexander Graubner. Spannbetonbauwerke


    Carl-Alexander Graubner

    Das Werk komplettiert das vierb?ndige Handbuch ?ber Spannbetonbauwerke. Es beinhaltet ausgew?hlte Beispiele zur Bemessung von Stra?enund Eisenbahnbr?cken sowie Hoch- und Industriebauten. Grundlage der ausf?hrlichen Berechnungen ist DIN EN 1992...
    Группа авторов. Beton-Kalender 2011

    Beton-Kalender 2011

    Группа авторов

    Structures for power generation are being designed and built at local, regional and international scales – the title provides the necessary knowledge for planning and design. Also: fibre-reinforced concretes incl. the March 10 DAfStb guideline...
    Группа авторов. Beton-Kalender 2012

    Beton-Kalender 2012

    Группа авторов

    Structures for infrastructure projects involving road and rail are being built locally, regionally and internationally – the Concrete Yearbook provides the necessary know-how for design and planning. Also: Fastenings, EC2 with NA and comments.
    Группа авторов. Beton-Kalender 2009

    Beton-Kalender 2009

    Группа авторов

    The main themes of this issue are the structural design of building frames and the current state of standards for mass wall structures around DIN 1045. Also in this year's issue: – structural design in existing buildings, – concrete as a...
    Alfred Steinle. Bauen mit Betonfertigteilen im Hochbau

    Bauen mit Betonfertigteilen im Hochbau

    Alfred Steinle

    This book provides a comprehensive insight into precast concrete construction today. The reader learns of the many facade design options made possible by this method of building. The authors also attempt to convey to engineers and architects the...
    Torsten M?ller. Bemessungshilfsmittel f?r Betonbauteile nach Eurocode 2

    Bemessungshilfsmittel f?r Betonbauteile nach Eurocode 2

    Torsten M?ller

    The daily work of engineers, for preliminary design and to check plausibility, would be inconceivable without them: design aids for reinforced concrete elements in the form of diagrams and tables. Now newly revised to cover Eurocode 2.
    Xavier Lauzin. Civil Engineering Structures According to the Eurocodes

    Civil Engineering Structures According to the Eurocodes

    Xavier Lauzin

    "This standard assumes that the structure, after completion, is used as intended in the project and subject to planned inspection and maintenance to meet the expected project lifetime and to detect any unforeseen weakness or behavior" (EN 13670...
    Kefei Li. Durability Design of Concrete Structures

    Durability Design of Concrete Structures

    Kefei Li

    Comprehensive coverage of durability of concrete at both material and structural levels, with design related issues Links two active fields in materials science and structural engineering: the durability processes of concrete materials and...
    Helmut Kramer. Angewandte Baudynamik

    Angewandte Baudynamik

    Helmut Kramer

    Obwohl Schwingungsprobleme in der Praxis zunehmend auftreten, werden sie von Tragwerkplanern gern umgangen. Statische Ersatzlasten, Sto?faktoren oder Schwingbeiwerte werden angewendet, ohne sich der Anwendungsgrenzen bewusst zu sein. Dieses Buch...
    Matthias Beckh. Hyperbolic Structures

    Hyperbolic Structures

    Matthias Beckh

    Hyperbolic structures analyses the interactions of form with the structural behaviour of hyperbolic lattice towers, and the effects of the various influencing factors were determined with the help of parametric studies and load capacity...
    Feng Fu. Advanced Modelling Techniques in Structural Design

    Advanced Modelling Techniques in Structural Design

    Feng Fu

    The successful design and construction of iconic new buildings relies on a range of advanced technologies, in particular on advanced modelling techniques. In response to the increasingly complex buildings demanded by clients and architects,...
    Philip Garrison. Basic Structures

    Basic Structures

    Philip Garrison

    Basic Structures provides the student with a clear explanation of structural concepts, using many analogies and examples. Real examples and case studies show the concepts in use, and the book is well illustrated with full colour photographs and...
    Группа авторов. Beton-Kalender 2014

    Beton-Kalender 2014

    Группа авторов

    Underground construction and foundations are very complex and expensive today, particularly in inner cities. In order to provide a quick overview of the interfaces and the necessary dialogue among qualified engineers in modern design and...
    James C. Anderson. Basic Structural Dynamics

    Basic Structural Dynamics

    James C. Anderson

    A concise introduction to structural dynamics and earthquake engineering Basic Structural Dynamics serves as a fundamental introduction to the topic of structural dynamics. Covering single and multiple-degree-of-freedom systems while providing...
    Darko Dujmovic. Composite Structures according to Eurocode 4

    Composite Structures according to Eurocode 4

    Darko Dujmovic

    The use of composite structures in construction is increasing. The optimized combination of the two materials concrete and steel produces particularly cost-efficient structures. This book presents a large number of numerical examples with...
    Группа авторов. Beton-Kalender 2015 Schwerpunkte

    Beton-Kalender 2015 Schwerpunkte

    Группа авторов

    Bridge building and refurbishment are important challenges at the moment. The book includes a commented short version of the DIN bridge building handbook. Also: structural design for refurbishment and repair of concrete structures, ballastless...
    Группа авторов. Beton-Kalender 2013

    Beton-Kalender 2013

    Группа авторов

    The durable and economic design of structures today includes not only the verification of structural stability but also of the serviceability for the planned lifetime including the consideration of time-dependent actions and material properties...
    Группа авторов. Beton-Kalender 2016

    Beton-Kalender 2016

    Группа авторов

    Articles about the classic core areas of structural engineering, for example precast elements, composite floors, multi-functional slabs, economic reinforcement in building and industrial and agricultural silo construction. Also: energy storage,...
    Группа авторов. Beton Kalender 2017

    Beton Kalender 2017

    Группа авторов

    Beton unterliegt einem Wandel der Anforderungen und entwickelt selbst Innovationskraft mit Auswirkungen auf Gestaltung bis hin zur Baustellenlogistik. Die Entwicklung von hochfesten, ultrahochfesten und selbstverdichtenden Betonen, die...
    Konrad Zilch. Strengthening of Concrete Structures with Adhesively Bonded Reinforcement

    Strengthening of Concrete Structures with Adhesively Bonded Reinforcement

    Konrad Zilch

    Design and construction in existing contexts is becoming increasingly important, and often the structures – sometimes of historical interest – can be preserved easily and at minimum cost by employing strengthening measures. Existing concrete...
    Susanne  Frohlich. Ultra-High Performance Concrete UHPC

    Ultra-High Performance Concrete UHPC

    Susanne Frohlich

    Selected chapters from the German concrete yearbook are now being published in the new English «Beton-Kalender Series» for the benefit of an international audience. Since it was founded in 1906, the Ernst & Sohn «Beton-Kalender» has been...
    Rainer Mall?e. Design of Fastenings for Use in Concrete

    Design of Fastenings for Use in Concrete

    Rainer Mall?e

    The European pre-standard CEN/TS 1992-4 for the design of fastenings by means of headed studs, anchor channels as well as post-installed mechanical and chemical anchors is ready for use. The background and interpretation of the provisions...
    Tobias Block. Lager im Bauwesen

    Lager im Bauwesen

    Tobias Block

    Bearing types and their scope of application are explained in detail and all problems connected with bearings are discussed. The revised new edition takes into account German and European standards. A handbook for design, detailing and construction.
    Michael Fischer D.. Berechnung und Bemessung von Betonbr?cken

    Berechnung und Bemessung von Betonbr?cken

    Michael Fischer D.

    Dieses Buch ist ein praxisorientierter Leitfaden fur die Berechnung und Bemessung von Bruckentragwerken aus Stahlbeton und Spannbeton. Eine 5-feldrige Spannbetonbrucke wird komplett durchgerechnet, wobei die Darstellung uber die einer...
    Ralph Holst. Br?cken aus Stahlbeton und Spannbeton

    Br?cken aus Stahlbeton und Spannbeton

    Ralph Holst

    Dieses Buch gibt einen umfassenden ?berblick ?ber den Stahlbeton- und Spannbetonbr?ckenbau. Die Berechnungs- und Planungsgrundlagen f?r Stra?en- und Eisenbahnbr?cken werden dargestellt, die einzelnen Bauwerksteile detailliert beschrieben sowie...
    Валентин Власов. Ветродвигатели. Теория и практика

    Ветродвигатели. Теория и практика

    Валентин Власов

    Книга освещает теоретические и практические аспекты конструкции современных ветродвигателей в контексте их исторического развития, методы управления мощностью ветроэнергетических установок. Обширная библиография отечественных и зарубежных работ...
    Группа авторов. Beton-Kalender 2022

    Beton-Kalender 2022

    Группа авторов

    Der immer tiefgreifendere Einzug der Digitalisierung in allen Phasen des Bauens und die detaillierte Zusammenstellung von Instandsetzungsstrategien f?r den Hoch- und Ingenieurbau sind die bestimmenden Themen des Beton-Kalender 2022. <br>...
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