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  • механика

    Adrian  Bejan. Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics

    Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics

    Adrian Bejan

    An advanced, practical approach to the first and second laws of thermodynamics Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics bridges the gap between engineering applications and the first and second laws of thermodynamics. Going beyond the basic coverage...
    Jean-Paul Caltagirone. Discrete Mechanics

    Discrete Mechanics

    Jean-Paul Caltagirone

    This book presents the fundamental principles of mechanics to re-establish the equations of Discrete Mechanics. It introduces physics and thermodynamics associated to the physical modeling. The development and the complementarity of sciences...
    Friedhelm Kuypers. Klassische Mechanik

    Klassische Mechanik

    Friedhelm Kuypers

    Das Buch behandelt die klassische Punktmechanik und die Mechanik starrer Korper in den Newtonschen, Lagrangeschen und Hamiltonschen Formulierungen sowie die Schwingungs- und Wellenlehre und die relativistische Mechanik. Die wichtigsten...
    Группа авторов. Polymer Extrusion

    Polymer Extrusion

    Группа авторов

    Extrusion is by far the most important and the oldest processing and shaping method for thermoplastic polymers. This process concerns almost all synthetic polymers, as well as elastomers or food materials. Single-screw extrusion is mainly used...
    Ashish  Tewari. Adaptive Aeroservoelastic Control

    Adaptive Aeroservoelastic Control

    Ashish Tewari

    This is the first book on adaptive aeroservoelasticity and it presents the nonlinear and recursive techniques for adaptively controlling the uncertain aeroelastic dynamics Covers both linear and nonlinear control methods in a comprehensive...
    Группа авторов. Optical Payloads for Space Missions

    Optical Payloads for Space Missions

    Группа авторов

    Optical Payloads for Space Missions is a comprehensive collection of optical spacecraft payloads with contributions by leading international rocket-scientists and instrument builders. Covers various applications, including earth observation,...
    Ryan O'Hayre. Materials Kinetics Fundamentals

    Materials Kinetics Fundamentals

    Ryan O'Hayre

    Introductory kinetics for the undergrad materials scientist Materials Kinetics Fundamentals is an accessible and interesting introduction to kinetics processes, with a focus on materials systems. Designed for the undergraduate student, this book...
    Sedat Tardu. Wall Turbulence Control

    Wall Turbulence Control

    Sedat Tardu

    Wall turbulence control is a major subject, the investigation of which involves significant industrial, environmental and fundamental consequences. Wall Turbulence Control addresses recent advances achieved in active and passive wall turbulence...
    Jerald A. Caton. An Introduction to Thermodynamic Cycle Simulations for Internal Combustion Engines

    An Introduction to Thermodynamic Cycle Simulations for Internal Combustion Engines

    Jerald A. Caton

    This book provides an introduction to basic thermodynamic engine cycle simulations, and provides a substantial set of results. Key features includes comprehensive and detailed documentation of the mathematical foundations and solutions required...
    Robert D. Blevins. Formulas for Dynamics, Acoustics and Vibration

    Formulas for Dynamics, Acoustics and Vibration

    Robert D. Blevins

    With Over 60 tables, most with graphic illustration, and over 1000 formulas, Formulas for Dynamics, Acoustics, and Vibration will provide an invaluable time-saving source of concise solutions for mechanical, civil, nuclear, petrochemical and...
    Liang-Wu Cai. Fundamentals of Mechanical Vibrations

    Fundamentals of Mechanical Vibrations

    Liang-Wu Cai

    This introductory book covers the most fundamental aspects of linear vibration analysis for mechanical engineering students and engineers. Consisting of five major topics, each has its own chapter and is aligned with five major objectives of the...
    Nuno Silvestre. Advanced Computational Nanomechanics

    Advanced Computational Nanomechanics

    Nuno Silvestre

    Contains the latest research advances in computational nanomechanics in one comprehensive volume Covers computational tools used to simulate and analyse nanostructures Includes contributions from leading researchers Covers of new...
    Gin?s Lifante Pedrola. Beam Propagation Method for Design of Optical Waveguide Devices

    Beam Propagation Method for Design of Optical Waveguide Devices

    Gin?s Lifante Pedrola

    The basic of the BPM technique in the frequency domain relies on treating the slowly varying envelope of the monochromatic electromagnetic field under paraxial propagation, thus allowing efficient numerical computation in terms of speed and...
    Ian M. Shapiro. Energy Audits and Improvements for Commercial Buildings

    Energy Audits and Improvements for Commercial Buildings

    Ian M. Shapiro

    The Intuitive Guide to Energy Efficiency and Building Improvements Energy Audits and Improvements for Commercial Buildings provides a comprehensive guide to delivering deep and measurable energy savings and carbon emission reductions in...
    B. K. Hodge. Alternative Energy Systems and Applications

    Alternative Energy Systems and Applications

    B. K. Hodge

    The comprehensive guide to engineering alternative and renewable energy systems and applications—updated for the latest trends and technologies This book was designed tohelp engineers develop new solutions for the current energy economy. To that...
    Raouf A. Ibrahim. Handbook of Structural Life Assessment

    Handbook of Structural Life Assessment

    Raouf A. Ibrahim

    This important, self-contained reference deals with structural life assessment (SLA) and structural health monitoring (SHM) in a combined form. SLA periodically evaluates the state and condition of a structural system and provides...
    Joseph Katz. Automotive Aerodynamics

    Automotive Aerodynamics

    Joseph Katz

    Automotive Aerodynamics Joseph Katz, San Diego State University, USA The automobile is an icon of modern technology because it includes most aspects of modern engineering, and it offers an exciting approach to engineering education. Of course...
    Jean-Paul Fohr. Heat and Moisture Transfer between Human Body and Environment

    Heat and Moisture Transfer between Human Body and Environment

    Jean-Paul Fohr

    Human adaptation under cold or hot temperatures has always required specific fabrics for clothing. Sports or protective garment companies propose to improve performance or safety. Behind thermal comfort lays many physical/physiological topics:...
    Yukitaka  Murakami. Theory of Elasticity and Stress Concentration

    Theory of Elasticity and Stress Concentration

    Yukitaka Murakami

    Theory of Elasticity and Stress Concentration Yukitaka Murakami, Kyushu University, Japan A comprehensive guide to elasticity and stress concentration Theory of Elasticity and Stress Concentration comprehensively covers elasticity and stress...
    Christophe Bouvet. Mechanics of Aeronautical Composite Materials

    Mechanics of Aeronautical Composite Materials

    Christophe Bouvet

    This book presents the principles of composite laminate sizing widely used for composite structures. The focus is on aeronautics in particular, including the concepts of limit loads and ultimate loads. After a brief overview of the main...
    Abdelkhalak El Hami. Material Forming Processes

    Material Forming Processes

    Abdelkhalak El Hami

    Manufacturing industries strive to improve the quality and reliability of their products, while simultaneously reducing production costs. To do this, modernized work tools must be produced; this will enable a reduction in the duration of the...
    Robert E. Melchers. Structural Reliability Analysis and Prediction

    Structural Reliability Analysis and Prediction

    Robert E. Melchers

    Structural Reliability Analysis and Prediction, Third Edition is a textbook which addresses the important issue of predicting the safety of structures at the design stage and also the safety of existing, perhaps deteriorating structures....
    Abdelkhalak El Hami. Fluid-Structure Interactions and Uncertainties

    Fluid-Structure Interactions and Uncertainties

    Abdelkhalak El Hami

    This book is dedicated to the general study of fluid structure interaction with consideration of uncertainties. The fluid-structure interaction is the study of the behavior of a solid in contact with a fluid, the response can be strongly...
    Robert W. Fitzgerald. Fire Performance Analysis for Buildings

    Fire Performance Analysis for Buildings

    Robert W. Fitzgerald

    A building fire is dynamic. A continually changing hostile fire environment influences time relationships that affect fire defenses and risks to people and building functions. The fire and fire defenses in each building interact with different...
    Rune Brincker. Introduction to Operational Modal Analysis

    Introduction to Operational Modal Analysis

    Rune Brincker

    Comprehensively covers the basic principles and practice of Operational Modal Analysis (OMA). Covers all important aspects that are needed to understand why OMA is a practical tool for modal testing Covers advanced topics, including closely...
    Xiang Zhou. Enabling Technologies for High Spectral-efficiency Coherent Optical Communication Networks

    Enabling Technologies for High Spectral-efficiency Coherent Optical Communication Networks

    Xiang Zhou

    Presents the technological advancements that enable high spectral-efficiency and high-capacity fiber-optic communication systems and networks This book examines key technology advances in high spectral-efficiency fiber-optic communication...
    Группа авторов. Full-Field Measurements and Identification in Solid Mechanics

    Full-Field Measurements and Identification in Solid Mechanics

    Группа авторов

    This timely book presents cutting-edge developments by experts in the field on the rapidly developing and scientifically challenging area of full-field measurement techniques used in solid mechanics – including photoelasticity, grid methods,...
    Robert X. Perez. Operator's Guide to General Purpose Steam Turbines

    Operator's Guide to General Purpose Steam Turbines

    Robert X. Perez

    When installed and operated properly, general purpose steam turbines are reliable and tend to be forgotten, i.e., out of sound and out of mind. But, they can be sleeping giants that can result in major headaches if ignored. Three real steam...
    Группа авторов. Wide Band Gap Semiconductor Nanowires 1

    Wide Band Gap Semiconductor Nanowires 1

    Группа авторов

    GaN and ZnO nanowires can by grown using a wide variety of methods from physical vapor deposition to wet chemistry for optical devices. This book starts by presenting the similarities and differences between GaN and ZnO materials, as well as the...
    Chris Mi. Hybrid Electric Vehicles

    Hybrid Electric Vehicles

    Chris Mi

    The latest developments in the field of hybrid electric vehicles Hybrid Electric Vehicles provides an introduction to hybrid vehicles, which include purely electric, hybrid electric, hybrid hydraulic, fuel cell vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric,...
    Nicolae-Doru  Stanescu. Dynamics of the Rigid Solid with General Constraints by a Multibody Approach

    Dynamics of the Rigid Solid with General Constraints by a Multibody Approach

    Nicolae-Doru Stanescu

    Covers both holonomic and non-holonomic constraints in a study of the mechanics of the constrained rigid body. Covers all types of general constraints applicable to the solid rigid Performs calculations in matrix form Provides algorithms for the...
    Michel Geradin. Mechanical Vibrations

    Mechanical Vibrations

    Michel Geradin

    Mechanical Vibrations: Theory and Application to Structural Dynamics, Third Edition is a comprehensively updated new edition of the popular textbook. It presents the theory of vibrations in the context of structural analysis and covers...
    Luc Dormieux. Micromechanics of Fracture and Damage

    Micromechanics of Fracture and Damage

    Luc Dormieux

    This book deals with the mechanics and physics of fractures at various scales. Based on advanced continuum mechanics of heterogeneous media, it develops a rigorous mathematical framework for single macrocrack problems as well as for the...
    Michael M. Khonsari. Applied Tribology

    Applied Tribology

    Michael M. Khonsari

    Insightful working knowledge of friction, lubrication, and wear in machines Applications of tribology are widespread in industries ranging from aerospace, marine and automotive to power, process, petrochemical and construction. With...
    Gang Bao. Nano and Cell Mechanics

    Nano and Cell Mechanics

    Gang Bao

    Research in nano and cell mechanics has received much attention from the scientific community as a result of society needs and government initiatives to accelerate developments in materials, manufacturing, electronics, medicine and healthcare,...
    Baochun Fan. Principles of Turbulence Control

    Principles of Turbulence Control

    Baochun Fan

    This book introduces the mathematical techniques for turbulence control in a form suitable for inclusion in an engineering degree program at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels whilst also making it useful to researchers and industrial...
    Michel  Borel. Movement Equations 3

    Movement Equations 3

    Michel Borel

    This volume is the focal point of the work undertaken in the previous volumes of this set of books: the statement of the fundamental principle of the dynamics whose implementation, according to two paths whose choice depends on the problem to be...
    Michel  Borel. Movement Equations 1

    Movement Equations 1

    Michel Borel

    The set of books on Mechanical Engineering and Solid Mechanics, of which this book is the first volume, is an essential tool for those looking to develop a rigorous knowledge of the discipline, whether students, professionals (in search of an...
    Michel  Borel. Movement Equations 2

    Movement Equations 2

    Michel Borel

    The formalism processing of unbuckled solids mechanics involves several mathematical tools which are to be mastered at the same time. This volume collects the main points which take place in the course of the formalism, so that the user...
    Группа авторов. Design of Piles Under Cyclic Loading

    Design of Piles Under Cyclic Loading

    Группа авторов

    Recent developments in the fields of energy, transport and industrial engineering have led to the emergence of new types of structures and infrastructures subject to variable stresses, for which the usual methods for designing pile foundations...
    Arthur J. McEvily. Metal Failures

    Metal Failures

    Arthur J. McEvily

    One of the only texts available to cover not only how failure occurs but also examine methods developed to expose the reasons for failure, Metal Failures has long been considered the most definitive and authoritative resources in metallurgical...
    Группа авторов. Operations Research for Unmanned Systems

    Operations Research for Unmanned Systems

    Группа авторов

    The first edited volume addressing analysis for unmanned vehicles, with focus on operations research rather than engineering • The editors have a unique combination of extensive operational experience and technical expertise • Chapters address a...
    Группа авторов. Aerospace Navigation Systems

    Aerospace Navigation Systems

    Группа авторов

    Compiled by leading authorities, Aerospace Navigation Systems is a compendium of chapters that present modern aircraft and spacecraft navigation methods based on up-to-date inertial, satellite, map matching and other guidance techniques. Ranging...
    Kevin D. Murphy. Modeling and Estimation of Structural Damage

    Modeling and Estimation of Structural Damage

    Kevin D. Murphy

    Modelling and Estimation of Damage in Structures is a comprehensiveguide to solving the type of modelling and estimation problems associated with the physics of structural damage. Provides a model-based approach to damage identification Presents...
    Amr S. Elnashai. Fundamentals of Earthquake Engineering

    Fundamentals of Earthquake Engineering

    Amr S. Elnashai

    Fundamentals of Earthquake Engineering: From Source to Fragility, Second Edition combines aspects of engineering seismology, structural and geotechnical earthquake engineering to assemble the vital components required for a deep understanding of...
    Группа авторов. Dynamics of Lattice Materials

    Dynamics of Lattice Materials

    Группа авторов

    Provides a comprehensive introduction to the dynamic response of lattice materials, covering the fundamental theory and applications in engineering practice Offers comprehensive treatment of dynamics of lattice materials and periodic materials...
    Luis Velasco. Provisioning, Recovery, and In-Operation Planning in Elastic Optical Networks

    Provisioning, Recovery, and In-Operation Planning in Elastic Optical Networks

    Luis Velasco

    Explains the importance of Elastic Optical Networks (EONs) and how they can be implemented by the world’s carriers This book discusses Elastic Optical Networks (EONs) from an operational perspective. It presents algorithms that are suitable for...
    Klaus Grobe. Wavelength Division Multiplexing

    Wavelength Division Multiplexing

    Klaus Grobe

    In this book, Optical Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) is approached from a strictly practical and application-oriented point of view. Based on the characteristics and constraints of modern fiber-optic components, transport systems and...
    Gustavo Costa. Hydrostatic Transmissions and Actuators

    Hydrostatic Transmissions and Actuators

    Gustavo Costa

    Hydrostatic Transmissions and Actuators takes a pedagogical approach and begins with an overview of the subject, providing basic definitions and introducing fundamental concepts. Hydrostatic transmissions and hydrostatic actuators are then...
    Karl-Gunnar Olsson. Structural Mechanics: Modelling and Analysis of Frames and Trusses

    Structural Mechanics: Modelling and Analysis of Frames and Trusses

    Karl-Gunnar Olsson

    Textbook covers the fundamental theory of structural mechanics and the modelling and analysis of frame and truss structures Deals with modelling and analysis of trusses and frames using a systematic matrix formulated displacement method with the...
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