
Mary  Kaldor. New and Old Wars. Organised Violence in a Global Era

New and Old Wars. Organised Violence in a Global Era

Mary Kaldor

Mary Kaldor's New and Old Wars has fundamentally changed the way both scholars and policy-makers understand contemporary war and conflict. In the context of globalization, this path-breaking book has shown that what we think of as war – that is...
Andrew  Glencross. Politics of European Integration. Political Union or a House Divided?

Politics of European Integration. Political Union or a House Divided?

Andrew Glencross

This is a systematic, up-to-date exploration of the politics of European integration that includes balanced coverage of the strengths and weaknesses of the European Union. Examines European integration as a contested political process that...
John Ishiyama T.. Comparative Politics. Principles of Democracy and Democratization

Comparative Politics. Principles of Democracy and Democratization

John Ishiyama T.

By revealing the contextual conditions which promote or hinder democratic development, Comparative Politics shows how democracy may not be the best institutional arrangement given a country's unique set of historical, economic, social, cultural...
Manuel Aalbers B.. Subprime Cities. The Political Economy of Mortgage Markets

Subprime Cities. The Political Economy of Mortgage Markets

Manuel Aalbers B.

Subprime Cities: The Political Economy of Mortgage Markets presents a collection of works from social scientists that offer insights into mortgage markets and the causes, effects, and aftermath of the recent 'subprime' mortgage crisis. Provides...
Nina  Caspersen. Unrecognized States. The Struggle for Sovereignty in the Modern International System

Unrecognized States. The Struggle for Sovereignty in the Modern International System

Nina Caspersen

Unrecognized states are places that do not exist in international politics; they are state-like entities that have achieved de facto independence, but have failed to gain widespread international recognition. Since the Cold-War, unrecognized...
Mike  Moore. Saving Globalization. Why Globalization and Democracy Offer the Best Hope for Progress, Peace and Development

Saving Globalization. Why Globalization and Democracy Offer the Best Hope for Progress, Peace and Development

Mike Moore

Globalization is not new, nor is it a policy, it’s a process that has existed as long as man looked over the horizon, travelled and traded. It can’t be stopped but it can be slowed. It came to a grinding halt in August 1914 and the Marxist...
George  Magnus. Uprising. Will Emerging Markets Shape or Shake the World Economy?

Uprising. Will Emerging Markets Shape or Shake the World Economy?

George Magnus

Emerging markets are big news. But after the financial crisis, what does the future really hold for them? And what does this future mean for global business? George Magnus, one of the world's most respected economic analysts, is your guide...
Richard  Beardsworth. Cosmopolitanism and International Relations Theory

Cosmopolitanism and International Relations Theory

Richard Beardsworth

Globalization has been contested in recent times. Among the critical perspectives is cosmopolitanism. Yet, with the exception of normative theory, international relations as a field has ignored cosmopolitan thinking. This book redresses this gap...
William Scheuerman E.. The Realist Case for Global Reform

The Realist Case for Global Reform

William Scheuerman E.

Does a hard-headed Realist approach to international politics necessarily involve skepticism towards progressive foreign policy initiatives and global reform? Should proponents of Realism always be seen as morally complacent and politically...
David  Halpern. The Hidden Wealth of Nations

The Hidden Wealth of Nations

David Halpern

Richer nations are happier, yet economic growth doesn't increase happiness. This paradox is explained by the Hidden Wealth of Nations – the extent to which citizens get along with other independently drives both economic growth and well-being....
Janie Leatherman L.. Sexual Violence and Armed Conflict

Sexual Violence and Armed Conflict

Janie Leatherman L.

Every year, hundreds of thousands of women become victims of sexual violence in conflict zones around the world; in the Democratic Republic of Congo alone, approximately 1,100 rapes are reported each month. This book offers a comprehensive...
Adrian  Guelke. Politics in Deeply Divided Societies

Politics in Deeply Divided Societies

Adrian Guelke

The establishment of durable, democratic institutions constitutes one of the major challenges of our age. As countless contemporary examples have shown, it requires far more than simply the holding of free elections. The consolidation of a...
Susan  Mendus. Politics and Morality

Politics and Morality

Susan Mendus

Public disenchantment with politics has become a key feature of the world in which we live. Politicians are increasingly viewed with suspicion and distrust, and electoral turnout in many modern democracies continues to fall. But are we right to...
Eric Shibuya Y.. Demobilizing Irregular Forces

Demobilizing Irregular Forces

Eric Shibuya Y.

From Afghanistan and Sierra Leone to East Timor, the aftermath of any armed conflict presents a complex set of challenges. Whatever political agreements may have been reached, conflicts are often at risk of reigniting, and the fates of their...
Timothy  Sinclair. Global Governance

Global Governance

Timothy Sinclair

In today’s uncertain world, the concept of global governance has never been more relevant or widely discussed. But what does this elusive idea really mean, and why has it become so important? This pacey introduction sheds new light on the issues...
Bryan McDonald L.. Food Security

Food Security

Bryan McDonald L.

Throughout history, human societies have struggled to ensure that all people have access to sufficient food to lead active and healthy lives. Despite great global effort, events of the early 21st century clearly demonstrate that food remains a...
Peter  Lassman. Pluralism


Peter Lassman

The problem of value pluralism permeates modern political philosophy. Its presence can be felt even when it is not explicitly the central topic under investigation. Political thinkers such as Max Weber, Isaiah Berlin and Stuart Hampshire derive...
Dennis J. D. Sandole. Peacebuilding


Dennis J. D. Sandole

Preventing violent conflicts and establishing comprehensive lasting peace in some of the world’s most turbulent regions has become the new global imperative. But to be effective, peacebuilding must be a multilateral, not a unilateral process....
Ronald  Crelinsten. Counterterrorism


Ronald Crelinsten

Terrorism has emerged as one of the most problematic issues facing national governments and the international community in the 21st century. But how is it possible to counter terrorism in a world in which governance is still dominated by the...
David  Weimer. Cost-Benefit Analysis and Public Policy

Cost-Benefit Analysis and Public Policy

David Weimer

This volume seeks to facilitate such exposure by drawing together into a convenient collection the fine articles on CBA and its application that have appeared in the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management (JPAM).
Kate  Macdonald. The Politics of Global Supply Chains

The Politics of Global Supply Chains

Kate Macdonald

The Politics of Global Supply Chains analyses the changing politics of power and distribution within contemporary global supply chains. Drawing on over 300 interviews with farmers, workers, activists, businesses and government officials in...
Goran  Therborn. The Killing Fields of Inequality

The Killing Fields of Inequality

Goran Therborn

Inequality is not just about the size of our wallets. It is a socio-cultural order which, for most of us, reduces our capabilities to function as human beings, our health, our dignity, our sense of self, as well as our resources to act and...
Philip  Manow. In the King's Shadow

In the King's Shadow

Philip Manow

It is commonly assumed that the rise of modern democracies put an end to the spectacular and ceremonial aspects of political rule that were so characteristic of monarchies and other earlier regimes. The medieval idea that the king had two bodies...
Roger Huder C.. Disaster Operations and Decision Making

Disaster Operations and Decision Making

Roger Huder C.

The only book to combine emergency management principLEs with proven military concepts Good disaster plans do not guarantee a good response. Any disaster plan rarely survives the first rain bands of a hurricane or the first tremors of an...
Matthew Hill Alan. American Politics For Dummies - UK

American Politics For Dummies - UK

Matthew Hill Alan

The simplest way to get to grips with the American political system American Politics For Dummies is an engaging and accessible guide to the inner workings of the U.S. government, cutting through the political jargon, to give you the facts. The...
Rosemary  Hollis. Britain and the Middle East in the 9/11 Era

Britain and the Middle East in the 9/11 Era

Rosemary Hollis

This authoritative book examines British policy in the Middle East, focusing on how Britain’s response to 9/11 – particularly the decision to join the US invasion of Iraq – has affected its role and relations in the region. Establishes what was...
Nicole  Detraz. International Security and Gender

International Security and Gender

Nicole Detraz

What does it mean to be secure? In the global news, we hear stories daily about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, about domestic-level conflicts around the world, about the challenges of cybersecurity and social security. This broad list...
David  McKay. American Politics and Society

American Politics and Society

David McKay

Completely revised and updated to take full account of the most recent and dramatic changes in the nature of American government, the sixth edition provides a clear and concise introduction to US politics for all students of political science...
Barrie  Axford. Theories of Globalization

Theories of Globalization

Barrie Axford

Theories of Globalization offers students and scholars a comprehensive and critical introduction to the concept of globalization. Barrie Axford expertly guides readers through the full range of perspectives on the topic, from international...
Brad  Evans. Liberal Terror

Liberal Terror

Brad Evans

Security is meant to make the world safer. Yet despite living in the most secure of times, we see endangerment everywhere. Whether it is the threat of another devastating terrorist attacks, a natural disaster or unexpected catastrophe, anxieties...
Andrew  Mumford. Proxy Warfare

Proxy Warfare

Andrew Mumford

Proxy wars represent a perennial strand in the history of conflict. The appeal of ‘warfare on the cheap’ has proved an irresistible strategic allure for nations through the centuries. However, proxy wars remain a missing link in contemporary war...
Timothy  Sisk. Statebuilding


Timothy Sisk

After civil wars end, what can sustain peace in the long-term? In particular, how can outsiders facilitate durable conflict-managing institutions through statebuilding – a process that historically has been the outcome of bloody struggles to...
Cillian  McBride. Recognition


Cillian McBride

A tension between the desire to be respected as an equal and the desire to distinguish oneself as a unique person lies at the heart of the modern social order. Everyone cares about recognition: no one wants to be treated with disrespect,...
Дмитрий Моисеевич Петрушевский. Очерки из истории средневекового общества и государства

Очерки из истории средневекового общества и государства

Дмитрий Моисеевич Петрушевский

Книга знамениторого русского ученого-медиевиста посвящена истории и развитию феодализма со времен поздней Римской империи и до расцвета эпохи средневековья. Автор рассматривает основные моменты в политической, социальной и хозяйственной эволюции...
А. С. Гаспарян. Новая холодная война. Кто победит в этот раз?

Новая холодная война. Кто победит в этот раз?

А. С. Гаспарян

Новая книга известного историка и публициста Армена Гаспаряна рассказывает о противостоянии России и западного мира на современном этапе. Прослеживая истоки новой холодной войны, начиная с распада СССР, автор делится уникальными подробностями,...
Александръ Викторович Черновъ. Как построить богатое, процветающее государство с достойными условиями жизни каждого гражданина. Бездарной внутренней политике Владимира Путина посвящается

Как построить богатое, процветающее государство с достойными условиями жизни каждого гражданина. Бездарной внутренней политике Владимира Путина посвящается

Александръ Викторович Черновъ

В книге на основе бездарной внутренней политики, которую проводит В. Путин в России, рассказано, как в кратчайшие сроки построить богатое процветающее государство с достойными условиями жизни каждого ее гражданина. В книге также описана теория...
Lim Word. The Second World War. Day after day

The Second World War. Day after day

Lim Word

A Brief History of the Second World War. You want to put together the past in order to manage the present and the future. Then this book is prepared for you.Everything was so.
Андрей Тихомиров. Сборник статей. (2015 г.)

Сборник статей. (2015 г.)

Андрей Тихомиров

В сборник вошли статьи, опубликованные в средствах массовой информации в 2015 году. В статьях рассказывается о различных проблемах общественного развития, вопросах мировоззрения и исторического наследия.
М. Ф. Видясова. Тунис. Маршрут в XXI век

Тунис. Маршрут в XXI век

М. Ф. Видясова

Книга является плодом многолетнего исследования автором истории, экономики, культуры и социальной проблематики Туниса, который она неоднократно посещала. Опираясь на разнообразные источники, автор доводит свой анализ до конца 2017 г., затронув...
Евгения Михайловская. Югославский конфликт в российских и западных СМИ

Югославский конфликт в российских и западных СМИ

Евгения Михайловская

Важнейшим инструментом установления необходимых связей с общественностью, а соответственно формирования общественного мнения, считаются средства массовой информации (СМИ) – печать, радио, телевидение, сеть Интернет. Средства массовой информации...
Лейонис ван Хааске. Рекомендации и материалы для подготовки к ЕГЭ по истории. Пособие для учащихся

Рекомендации и материалы для подготовки к ЕГЭ по истории. Пособие для учащихся

Лейонис ван Хааске

Этот справочник – обобщение большого опыта в подготовке к экзамену по истории, накопленного за последние десять лет и проверенного в работе с огромным количеством учеников. Его задача – продемонстрировать логику изучения истории России для...
Лим Ворд. Други светски рат. Дан за даном

Други светски рат. Дан за даном

Лим Ворд

Кратка историја Другог светског рата. Желите спојити прошлост како бисте управљали садашњом и будућношћу. Онда је ова књига спремна за вас.Све је било тако.
Игорь ТИТОВ. «У меня зазвонил телефон». Практика «захода» бизнес-структуры на территорию своих бизнес-интересов

«У меня зазвонил телефон». Практика «захода» бизнес-структуры на территорию своих бизнес-интересов


Это и не рассказ. Это и не учебное пособие. Наверное, это «рассказочное пособие».А на самом деле это попытка объединить историю про успешно проведенную избирательную кампанию с некими знаниями, позволившими этой кампании стать успешной.
Лим Ворд. История Империи. Право на будущее

История Империи. Право на будущее

Лим Ворд

Становление Российской Империи от объединения племен до Союза Социалистических республик. Мы вправе извлечь урок из жестоких ошибок и великих побед, строить новую мировую Империю, начиная с себя.
Андрей Тихомиров. Сборник статей. 2014 г., часть 1

Сборник статей. 2014 г., часть 1

Андрей Тихомиров

В сборник (в двух частях) вошли статьи, опубликованные в средствах массовой информации в 2014 году. В статьях рассказывается о различных проблемах общественного развития, вопросах мировоззрения и исторического наследия.
Николай Петрович Михневич. Основы русского военного искусства

Основы русского военного искусства

Николай Петрович Михневич

«Основы военного русского искусства» – сравнительный очерк, посвященный состоянию российского и европейского военного искусства в ключевые исторические периоды. От средних веков и до конца XIX века автор описывает самые известные битвы и дает...
Татьяна Александровна Югай. Размышления женщины о геополитике

Размышления женщины о геополитике

Татьяна Александровна Югай

В книге собраны статьи, опубликованные в российских и зарубежных научных изданиях за последние 10 лет. Несмотря на широкую тематику и междисциплинарный характер статей, они объединены красной нитью – извечной битвой за ресурсы, которая стоит за...
Андрей Тихомиров. Сборник статей. 2016 г.

Сборник статей. 2016 г.

Андрей Тихомиров

В сборник вошли статьи, опубликованные в средствах массовой информации в 2016 году. В статьях рассказывается о различных проблемах общественного развития, вопросах мировоззрения и исторического наследия.
Сергей Самсошко. Nuda veritas. Публицистика

Nuda veritas. Публицистика

Сергей Самсошко

В данной книге содержатся размышления на политические темы: о том, каким, на мой взгляд, должно выглядеть процветающее государство, как избежать ядерной войны и многое другое… Книга содержит нецензурную брань.

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