
Quint  Studer. The Busy Leader's Handbook

The Busy Leader's Handbook

Quint Studer

A comprehensive book of “need-to-know” insights for busy leaders Being a great leader means getting the fundamentals right. It also means consistently doing the “little things” that make a positive difference in the lives of employees,...
Alain Hunkins. Cracking the Leadership Code

Cracking the Leadership Code

Alain Hunkins

Become the effective, proactive leader you aspire to be with this practical tool kit for leading people and organizations Yes, you can learn the skills to effectively lead people, organizations, and employees. With the right motivation and...
Vince  Molinaro. Accountable Leaders

Accountable Leaders

Vince Molinaro

Proven methods to push your organization to its maximum potential with responsible leadership Accountable Leaders is the real-world guide to propelling your business to extraordinary levels of performance and achievement. Leadership...
Джим Лоэр. Leading with Character

Leading with Character

Джим Лоэр

From leadership expert Dr. Jim Loehr, strengthen your moral and ethical character for outstanding leadership results with this must-have set. Leading with Character: 10 Minutes a Day to a Brilliant Legacy At the end of your life, how...
Berta Aldrich. Winning the Talent Shift

Winning the Talent Shift

Berta Aldrich

The global marketplace  has changed, and companies have found themselves struggling to hire and retain high-performing talent.  Winning the Talent Shift  explains how companies can overcome the three main barriers to their...
Максим Поташев. Правила команды. Искусство думать вместе

Правила команды. Искусство думать вместе

Максим Поташев

Как и для чего создаются команды? Как команды развиваются, как их правильно обучать и мотивировать? Как распределяются роли в команде и каковы функции лидера? Авторы книги, Максим Поташев и Павел Ершов, опираясь на свой многолетний практический...
Jeff Schwartz. Work Disrupted

Work Disrupted

Jeff Schwartz

If you only read one book on the future of work, Work Disrupted: Opportunity, Resilience, and Growth in the Accelerated Future of Work should be that book. The future of work swept in sooner than expected, accelerated by Covid-19, creating...
Джеймс Кузес. Everyday People, Extraordinary Leadership

Everyday People, Extraordinary Leadership

Джеймс Кузес

Learn how you can tackle everyday leadership challenges regardless of your title, position, or authority with this insightful resource A book about leadership for people who are not in formal or hierarchical leadership positions, Everyday...
Oleg Konovalov. The Vision Code

The Vision Code

Oleg Konovalov

Noted CEOs, academics, and military personnel share their experience as visionary leaders The Vision Code explores the concept of «vision» and leadership. The book reveals the secrets of building and executing a strong vision within any...
Rachael Robertson. Respekt schl?gt Harmonie

Respekt schl?gt Harmonie

Rachael Robertson

Streben Sie nach einem harmonischen, gl?cklichen Arbeitsplatz? Dann bereiten Sie sich auf schlechte Leistungen vor!<br> In ihrem Buch teilt Rachael Robertson, die ehemalige Leiterin einer Antarktis-Expedition, ihre wirklich einzigartigen...
Clif Smith. Mindfulness without the Bells and Beads

Mindfulness without the Bells and Beads

Clif Smith

Use mindfulness to unleash your potential – without adopting spiritual beliefs Mindfulness Without the Bells and Beads: Unlocking Exceptional Performance, Leadership, and Wellbeing for Working Professionals strips away the bells, beads, and...
Dave MacLeod. Scaling Conversations

Scaling Conversations

Dave MacLeod

Find out what your customers and employees are really thinking with this indispensable resource Scaling Conversations: How Leaders Access the Full Potential of People delivers invaluable strategies for how leaders can make their...
Коллектив авторов. Труд в современной российской экономике. Социальное измерение

Труд в современной российской экономике. Социальное измерение

Коллектив авторов

Сборник научных статей отражает результаты дискуссий, проходивших в рамках IV Санкт-Петербургского международного форума труда, состоявшегося 27-28 февраля 2020 г. Центральной темой обсуждения стало социальное измерение экономики, которое тесно...
Darleen DeRosa. Leading at a Distance

Leading at a Distance

Darleen DeRosa

A timely and hands-on resource informed by lessons learned from Fortune 500 CEOs and executives Leading at a Distance provides executives with the necessary skills to successfully lead in the new virtual workplace, backed by the research...
Quint  Studer. Handbuch F?hrung

Handbuch F?hrung

Quint Studer

Pr?gnanter, leicht verst?ndlicher Leitfaden ?ber die Grundlagen guter F?hrung!<br> <br> Unabh?ngig davon, ob Sie neu in Ihrer Rolle als F?hrungskraft sind oder ?ber jahrelange Erfahrung verf?gen, bietet dieses Handbuch f?r...
Lipi Sarkar. Building a Digital Future

Building a Digital Future

Lipi Sarkar

2020 has been a challenging year worldwide for many businesses and we have not come out of that phase entirely in 2021. At the same time, we witnessed the acceleration of Cloud led Digital Transformation, changing the ways we work, communicate,...
Gaurav  Gupta. Change


Gaurav Gupta

Transform your organization with speed and efficiency using this insightful new resource  Incremental improvement is no longer sufficient in helping organizations navigate the complexity, uncertainty and volatility of today’s world. In ...
Kelly McDonald. It's Time to Talk about Race at Work

It's Time to Talk about Race at Work

Kelly McDonald

It's time the business world got the actionable, impactful, no-cost strategies needed to increase diversity and inclusion in the workplace  Many white leaders want to create change but don't know how to do so appropriately and...
Marcia Gerwers. Das zahlt sich aus

Das zahlt sich aus

Marcia Gerwers

Das Buch von Pia Zietz und Marcia Gerwers gibt praktische Handlungsempfehlungen zur langfristigen Mitarbeiterbindung in Unternehmen. Sie erfahren, wie sich effektive Ma?nahmen f?r mehr Zufriedenheit auch mit schmalem Geldbeutel umsetzen lassen....
Reinhard Lindner. Der Samurai-Manager

Der Samurai-Manager

Reinhard Lindner

Intuition war die h?chste Kunst der Samurai. Intuition ist auch die h?chste Kunst im Management. Viele erfolgreiche japanische Konzerne der ­Gegenwart haben ihren Ursprung in Samurai-Familien. Der wirtschaftliche Aufstieg Japans nach dem Zweiten...
Patrick Freudiger. Das Ph?nix-Prinzip

Das Ph?nix-Prinzip

Patrick Freudiger

Ist «Chefsein» ?berhaupt noch erstrebenswert? Patrick Freudiger sagt: Ja! Denn die simple Tatsache, dass das Verhalten des Chefs die gef?hrten Mitarbeiter zu H?chstleistungen anspornen aber auch zu einer demotivierten Arbeitshaltung f?hren kann,...
Jeff Schwartz. Arbeit im Wandel

Arbeit im Wandel

Jeff Schwartz

Die Zukunft der Arbeit erreichte uns fr?her als erwartet. Beschleunigt durch Covid-19 entstand ein dringender Bedarf an neuen Denkweisen, neuen Strategien – und vor allem an einem vertrauensw?rdigen Leitfaden, der uns auf dieser Reise begleitet....

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