Рассматриваются вопросы конструирования печатных плат и печатных узлов для систем гигабитного быстродействия. Основное внимание уделено обеспечению целостности сигнала в стандартных одномодовых линиях ТТЛ/КМОП и дифференциальных парах. Детально...
В издании изучена проблема замещения бензина и дизельного топлива для автотранспорта природным газом и электроэнергией. Дана характеристика альтернативных видов энергоносителей для автотранспорта, освещен мировой и отечественный опыт их...
Рассматривается применение рентгеноструктурного анализа к решению некоторых практических задач металловедения и физики металлов. Проиллюстрирована связь физико-механических свойств материалов с результатами рентгеноструктурных исследований....
Монография представляет собой впервые издаваемую своеобразную энциклопедию по наукоемким разработкам в области зубчатых передач и трансмиссий в Беларуси. В ней сочетаются исторически значимые сведения, касающиеся научных приоритетов...
Монография посвящена методам обработки материалов с применением концентрированных потоков энергии. Основное внимание уделено вопросам формирования структуры и свойств поверхностного слоя конструкционных, инструментальных и функциональных...
В монографии, которая представляет собой собрание наиболее типичных видов разрушений и является руководством по проведению анализа разрушений машин и конструкций различного назначения, приведены данные об истории развития фрактографии....
Книга может оказаться полезной для авиаспециалистов, изучающих конструкцию и летную эксплуатацию планера и функциональных систем учебного самолета Як-18Т 36-й серии.
Приведена информация о процессе динамической стабилизации и возможностях его использования при изготовлении маложестких деталей типа колец, дисков, торсионных и коленчатых валов, длинных труб и стержневых деталей. Дано теоретическое обоснование...
В книге представлены краткие технические сведения, основные данные о свойствах и особенностях взрывчатых веществ, приведены материалы о развитии ассортимента промышленных взрывчатых веществ, о разработке некоторых вопросов теории и расширении...
В монографии представлено современное состояние высокопроизводительных, эффективно управляемых в автоматизированном производстве методов финишной механической и физико-технической обработок поверхностей деталей: точения и шлифования...
В настоящее время накоплены обширные экспериментальные данные по свойствам материалов с диффузионными защитными покрытиями, в частности по влиянию диффузионных покрытий на кратковременную статическую и усталостную прочность защищенных изделий на...
Третий закон Кларка гласит, что «любая достаточно развитая технология неотличима от магии». В этом смысле интернет вещей и технологии «цифровых двойников» напоминают магию Вуду: чтобы управлять объектом, надо создать его модель («двойника»),...
Данный сборник поможет распознать коды ошибок, выдаваемые электроникой автомобилей ВАЗ в зашифрованном виде. Вы всегда будете иметь под рукой необходимую информацию, скачав книжку. А еще лучше – хранить печатную версию в бардачке вашего авто.
Международный научно-практический журнал «Инженерно-технические решения и инновации» – электронное периодическое издание, публикующее статьи и материалы начинающих и авторитетных ученых в области технических и инженерных наук, проблем...
This manual provides the most important information on successful bonding. Various practical advices and helpful tips are useful for the handling of adhesives. Due to its didactically structured content, the book may also serve as a medium for...
Written by one of the most distinguished scientists and a pioneer in this field, this monograph represents a stand-alone, concise guide to friction at the atomic level. It brings together hitherto widely-scattered information in one single...
This book bridges the divide between the fields of power systems engineering and computer communication through the new field of power system information theory. Written by an expert with vast experience in the field, this book explores the...
The new digital media offers us an unprecedented memory capacity, an ubiquitous communication channel and a growing computing power. How can we exploit this medium to augment our personal and social cognitive processes at the service of human...
Buildings consume 40% of our planet’s materials and 30% of its energy. Their construction uses up to three million tonnes of raw materials a year and generates 20% of the soild waste stream. If we want to survive our urban future, there is no...
Bridging the industry divide between the technical expertise of engineers and the aims of market and business planners, Making Telecoms Work provides a basis for more effective interdisciplinary analysis of technology, engineering, market and...
Dieses praxisorientierte Lehrbuch fur Ingenieurstudenten der hoheren Semester gibt einen Uberblick uber die ganzheitliche und vertiefte Betrachtungsweise des Apparate Entwurfes. Warmeubertragung/Warmeubertrager sind elementare Bestandteile in...
Ponds are a primary production system to a wide variety of freshwater fish species. Each species have specific and unique nutrient needs and successful pond fertilization is critical to a successful aquaculture enterprise. Aquaculture Pond...
Without doubt the best modern and up-to-date text on the topic, wirtten by one of the world leading experts in the field. Should be on the desk of any practitioner or researcher involved in the field of Machine Condition Monitoring Simon Braun,...
Starting from a basic knowledge of mathematics and mechanics gained in standard foundation classes, Theory of Lift: Introductory Computational Aerodynamics in MATLAB/Octave takes the reader conceptually through from the fundamental mechanics of...
Advanced level consolidation of the technology, physics and design aspects of silicon-on-insulator (SOI) lubistors No comprehensive description of the physics and possible applications of the Lubistor can be found in a single source even though...
Giving a sound technical introduction to 3GPP LTE and SAE, this book explains the decisions taken during standardization while also examining the likely competition for LTE such as HSPA+ and WiMAX. As well as looking at next generation network...
First book on rubber used as a construction material dedicated to the chemical process industry Despite the long history of rubber as a construction material, this book is a unique publication as it comprehensively looks at the material with...
Energy efficiency is today a crucial topic in the built environment – for both designers and managers of buildings. This increased interest is driven by a combination of new regulations and directives within the EU and worldwide to combat global...
As solar energy becomes increasingly more important in all of our lives, it is more important to learn how it works and how it can be implemented. This book is the perfect primer for the engineer, scientist, and layperson alike, for learning...
The safe operation of plants is of paramount importance in the chemical, petrochemical and pharmaceutical industries. Best practice in process and plant safety allows both the prevention of hazards and the mitigation of consequences. Safety...
All you need to know about deploying VoIP protocols in one comprehensive and highly practical reference – Now updated with coverage on SIP and the IMS infrastructure This book provides a comprehensive and practical overview of the technology...
Mit Br?cken in St?dten und Landschaften k?nnen Akzente gesetzt werden. Br?ckenbau ist ein Motor f?r technische Entwicklungen und leistet einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Baukultur. Das vorliegende Buch ist ein Wegweiser f?r den optimierten Entwurf...
This year, practical application notes for the verification formats and optimal design procedures for Part 1-8 «Joints» are included in addition to the revision of Part 1-1 «General Design Rules». With the introduction of the Eurocodes, there...
There are plenty of books on specialized risk topics but few that deal with the broad diversity and daily applicability of this subject. Risk applications require a robust knowledge of many attributes of this seemingly simple subject. This book...
All relevant relationships of building physics are explained, not only those included in standards, for energy-efficient building and to reduce the effect on the climate as well as for optimal interior climate and to avoid damage to building elements.
The third part of the Geotechnical Engineering Handbook is treating foundations and geotechnical structures. The particular contributions cover shallow foundations with their stability, piles, sheet pile walls, diaphragm walls, excavation pits,...
Intriguing . . . [filled with] new ideas about overarching intellectual themes that govern our technologies and our society. —Nikil Jayant, Eminent Scholar, Georgia Research Alliance «Dr. Ahamed is correct in observing that 'silicon and glass...
Praise for the First Edition «Now a new laboratory bible for optics researchers has joined the list: it is Phil Hobbs's Building Electro-Optical Systems: Making It All Work.» —Tony Siegman, Optics & Photonics News Building a modern...
A succinct guide to a Human Factors programme of work This book provides a reference for project managers to assist in identifying the key rudiments of good Human Factors design. It is intended to be used in conjunction with an appointed Human...
This book is intended primarily as a handbook for engineers who must design practical systems. Its primary goal is to discuss model development in sufficient detail so that the reader may design an estimator that meets all application...
Senior executives and project managers from more than 50 world-class companies offer their best practices for successful project management implementation The first two editions of the bestselling Project Management Best Practices helped project...
Enables readers to apply transport phenomena principles to solve advanced problems in all areas of engineering and science This book helps readers elevate their understanding of, and their ability to apply, transport phenomena by introducing a...
Offering an engineering perspective and the latest information on the application of this rapidly expanding technique, this practical book covers the technology, engineering, materials and products, as well as economic and ecological aspects. In...
Much-needed, fresh approach that brings a greater insight into the physical understanding of aerodynamics Based on the author’s decades of industrial experience with Boeing, this book helps students and practicing engineers to gain a greater...
This broad-based book covers the three major areas of Chemical Engineering. Most of the books in the market involve one of the individual areas, namely, Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer or Mass Transfer, rather than all the three. This book...
In the European Union nations, and other countries including Japan, Australia and Malaysia, it is a legal requirement that food products containing genetically modified organism (GMO) materials are labelled as such in order that customers may...
Written by the author who helped crystalize the field of technology management and the management of innovation with the first two editions of Managing Technological Innovation, this Third Edition brings the subject in line with current business...
Totally Integrated Automation is the concept by means of which SIMATIC controls machines, manufacturing systems and technical processes. Taking the example of the SIMATIC S7 programmable controller, this book provides a comprehensive...
Today, audiovisual archives and libraries have become very popular especially in the field of collecting, preserving and transmitting cultural heritage. However, the data in these archives or libraries – videos, images, soundtracks, etc. –...