домашние животные

D. Coile Caroline. Pomeranians For Dummies

Pomeranians For Dummies

D. Coile Caroline

It’s easy to see why you fell in love with the idea of adopting a Pomeranian. Distinguished by its vivacity, intelligence, extroversion, and fierce loyalty to its family, this tiny canine can make an excellent companion…for the right person. As...
Kim  Schilling. Ferrets For Dummies

Ferrets For Dummies

Kim Schilling

Thinking about getting a ferret? Want to make sure you’re giving the ferret you already have the best possible care? Ferrets For Dummies helps you decide whether a ferret is for you and give your little fellah a healthy, happy home. It’s packed...
Jacqueline  O'Neil. Chihuahuas For Dummies

Chihuahuas For Dummies

Jacqueline O'Neil

Are you crazy about Chihuahuas? Chihuahuas For Dummies, 2nd Edition, is fully updated to show you how to find the one you’ll love most and make him or her part of your family. This one-stop guide gives you all the information you need to raise...
Audrey Pavia. Rabbits For Dummies

Rabbits For Dummies

Audrey Pavia

Your hands-on guide to being a responsible rabbit owner Want to raise a happy, healthy bunny? This practical guide gives you everything you need to know to successfully adopt, nurture, live with, and love a rabbit. From choosing a rabbit and...
Susan  McCullough. Housetraining For Dummies

Housetraining For Dummies

Susan McCullough

The latest information and tips on making housetraining easier for your pet and yourself Did you know that what you feed your dog can effect help or hinder the housetraining process? That's just one of the valuable tips you'll find in...
Audrey Pavia. Horses For Dummies

Horses For Dummies

Audrey Pavia

Features new full-color photos and online resources Train, care for, and have fun with your horse If you're crazy about horses, this hands-on guide is all you need to giddy up and go. Featuring updates on breeds, boarding, nutrition, equipment,...
Susan Ewing M.. Bulldogs For Dummies

Bulldogs For Dummies

Susan Ewing M.

Find out how to select, train, and care for your Bulldog Though originally bred for bull baiting, today's Bulldogs are calm, dignified, and courageous – and make great pets. Whether you're already a Bulldog owner or you're thinking about...
Михаил Самарский. Невероятные приключения кота Сократа

Невероятные приключения кота Сократа

Михаил Самарский

Кот Сократ – настоящий философ. Он внимательно наблюдает за людьми и делает свои выводы. При этом порой совершает такие поступки, что иногда хочется отправить его на эшафот. Однако люди прощают ему всё, потому что кот придерживается только своих...
Марина Александровна Политова. Введение в генетику масти лошади

Введение в генетику масти лошади

Марина Александровна Политова

Допущено Министерством сельского хозяйства в качестве учебного пособия для студентов, обучающихся по специальности «Зоотехния» в сельскохозяйственных высших учебных заведениях. В издании описана генетика масти лошадей с учетом последних данных,...
Анатолий Шаповалов. Верные друзья

Верные друзья

Анатолий Шаповалов

Когда тебя любят и понимают. Хотя животные не умеют разговаривать по-человечески, тем не менее, они нас хорошо понимают. А вот мы порою понять их не можем. Да мы и сами между собой зачастую не находим общего языка. От того злимся и враждуем....
Grace Clare. Weight Management. A Practitioner's Guide

Weight Management. A Practitioner's Guide

Grace Clare

An increasingly wide range of patients of different age, ethnicity and social background often combined with other clinical conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease or osteoporosis now find themselves battling against obesity and many...
Onslow Mark. The Science and Practice of Stuttering Treatment. A Symposium

The Science and Practice of Stuttering Treatment. A Symposium

Onslow Mark

The Science and Practice of Stuttering Treatment: A Symposium is a comprehensive resource for practitioners and researchers that spans the scientific basis and clinical management of stutters in people of all ages, from preschoolers to adults....
Gerber Mariette. The Mediterranean Diet. Health and Science

The Mediterranean Diet. Health and Science

Gerber Mariette

Recent large-scale epidemiological studies have confirmed the pre-eminence of the Mediterranean diet for reducing the risk of primary and secondary heart disease and cancer. There is also increasingly convincing evidence for its protective value...
Том Кокс. Близкие контакты пушистого вида

Близкие контакты пушистого вида

Том Кокс

Озорным Ральфу и Шипли, прелестной Роско и их бессменному вождю Медведю предстоят большие перемены – переезд из города в сельский дом в графстве Девон. Как они отнесутся к новым соседям: полевкам, кроликам и черному пуделю Билли? Как скажется...
Анастасия Пятницкая. Четвероногое послушание

Четвероногое послушание

Анастасия Пятницкая

Это подробная книга-инструкция о дрессировке собак наиболее прогрессивным методом, разработанным профессиональными кинологами России и Германии.Автор книги является дипломированным специалистом по дрессировке собак, зоопсихологом с...
Мария Лагоша. Кошки


Мария Лагоша

Домашнее животное – большая ответственность, и когда дома появляется пушистый зверёк, вместе с ним приходит огромное количество проблем и вопросов. Книга «Кошки» поможет ребёнку понять своего любимца, научит правильно ухаживать за ним и...
Н. Н. Непомнящий. Кошки


Н. Н. Непомнящий

Кошка… Загадочное, непредсказуемое существо, притягивающее к себе человека с незапамятной поры. Возможно ли разгадать ее тайну? Сколько существует пород кошек? Как ухаживать за своим домашним питомцем? Что делать если в доме появился котенок? В...
Оксана Викторовна Филиппова. Джек Рассел терьер

Джек Рассел терьер

Оксана Викторовна Филиппова

Книга о Джек Рассел терьерах адресована как владельцам собак этой замечательной породы, так и тем, кто находится в раздумье: "А подойдет ли мне Джек Рассел терьер?"; Вы узнаете о происхождении и развитии породы. О том, как правильно воспитывать...
Jenni  Murray. My Boy Butch: The heart-warming true story of a little dog who made life worth living again

My Boy Butch: The heart-warming true story of a little dog who made life worth living again

Jenni Murray

Much beloved broadcaster Dame Jenni Murray recounts her great love affair with Butch the Chihuahua.There was always a dog. If not real, then imagined.As a lonely only child, Dame Jenni Murray longed to have a dog. She had only Timmy her...
Monty  Roberts. The Dog Listener: Learning the Language of your Best Friend

The Dog Listener: Learning the Language of your Best Friend

Monty Roberts

You’ve heard of the Horse Whisperer – now meet the woman who uses similar methods to train dogs.Jan Fennell’s remarkable gifts have earned her the nickname “the dog listener”. Her unique understanding of the canine world and its instinctive...
Rachel  Wells. Alfie and George: A heart-warming tale about how one cat and his kitten brought a street together

Alfie and George: A heart-warming tale about how one cat and his kitten brought a street together

Rachel Wells

The Sunday Times bestseller is back, with his biggest adventure yet. The perfect read for fans of A Street Cat Named Bob.As the residents of Edgar Road know, Alfie is no ordinary cat. Since his arrival in the street, he's made every house his...
Sophie  Pembroke. Claude’s Christmas Adventure: The must-read Christmas dog book of 2018!

Claude’s Christmas Adventure: The must-read Christmas dog book of 2018!

Sophie Pembroke

This Christmas a little dog is in for a BIG adventure…Meet Claude. He’s a loveable, big-eared, permanently hungry French Bulldog, who loves his humans – the McCawley family of number 11 Maple Drive to be precise.When Daisy and Oliver McCawley...
Sarah  Whitehead. Clever Dog: Understand What Your Dog is Telling You

Clever Dog: Understand What Your Dog is Telling You

Sarah Whitehead

Man is not ape. Dog is not wolf.From startling facts about its origins, to the fundamental reasons behind dog and man’s unbreakable attachment, Clever Dog: Understand What Your Dog is Telling You explores the myths that so many pet owners have...
Victoria  Stilwell. It’s Me or the Dog: How to have the Perfect Pet

It’s Me or the Dog: How to have the Perfect Pet

Victoria Stilwell

Victoria Stilwell provides her successful programme for perfect dog training.Do they ignore every word you say? Have they started coming in at all hours? Are they wrecking your home? No, it’s not the nation’s teenagers – it’s our pets. Nearly...
Ben Fogle. Labrador: The Story of the World’s Favourite Dog

Labrador: The Story of the World’s Favourite Dog

Ben Fogle

A social history of Labradors, and how they have become the world’s most beloved dogs, by writer, presenter and long-time dog lover Ben Fogle, whose beloved black Labrador, Inca, famously accompanied him on numerous journeys and...
Alison  Smith. Staffordshire Bull Terrier: An Owner’s Guide

Staffordshire Bull Terrier: An Owner’s Guide

Alison Smith

A comprehensive guide to all aspects of owning a Staffordshire Bull Terrier, this highly illustrated book is full of practical information and expert advice for pet owners and breeders.Staffordshire Bull Terriers are renowned for their loyalty...
Caitlin  Doyle. Outrageously Adorable Dog Knits: 25 must-have styles for the pampered pooch

Outrageously Adorable Dog Knits: 25 must-have styles for the pampered pooch

Caitlin Doyle

Dogs can’t knit. But they sure can wear it well.Could your Chinese crested powder puff rock a vintage ruffled bonnet? Does your pug pine for a fabulous ten-gallon cowboy hat? Or perhaps your bulldog hopes to cast off his thuggish street cred...
Nick  Mays. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: An Owner’s Guide

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: An Owner’s Guide

Nick Mays

A comprehensive guide to all aspects of owning a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, this highly illustrated book is full of practical information and expert advice for pet owners and breeders.Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are affectionate, playful,...
Gwen  Bailey. Collins Good Dog Behaviour: An Owner’s Guide

Collins Good Dog Behaviour: An Owner’s Guide

Gwen Bailey

Published in association with The Blue Cross, one of Britain’s top animal welfare societies, ‘Collins Good Dog Behaviour’ is an essential handbook for all responsible dog owners with numerous step-by-step photographs that will help to make...
Robert Killick. Jack Russell Terrier: An Owner’s Guide

Jack Russell Terrier: An Owner’s Guide

Robert Killick

A comprehensive guide to all aspects of owning a Jack Russell Terrier, this highly illustrated book is full of practical information and expert advice for pet owners and breeders.Jack Russell Terriers are very intelligent, high-energy dogs whose...
Louisa  Bennet. Monty and Me: A heart-warmingly wagtastic novel!

Monty and Me: A heart-warmingly wagtastic novel!

Louisa Bennet

Introducing loveable dog detective Monty – the must-have book this Christmas!You might think that dogs can’t understand us…but you’d be wrong.Apart from an obsession with cheese, Monty is a perfectly rational animal. So when his beloved master...
Rachel  Wells. A Cat Called Alfie

A Cat Called Alfie

Rachel Wells

**The follow-up to the smash-hit Sunday Times bestseller, ‘Alfie the Doorstep Cat’. Alfie’s back – and more adventurous than ever!**Edgar Road used to be your typical London street; a road full of people who barely said a word to one another....
Julia Romp. A Friend Like Ben: The true story of the little black and white cat that saved my son

A Friend Like Ben: The true story of the little black and white cat that saved my son

Julia Romp

Originally published as Ben’s Gift.The heart-warming true story of a little boy and the cat that changed his life.Nine-year-old George was severely autistic; quiet and withdrawn, he appeared lost in his own world most of the time. His mother...
Fiona  Harrison. A Pug Like Percy: A heartwarming tale for the whole family

A Pug Like Percy: A heartwarming tale for the whole family

Fiona Harrison

A furry festive miracle who’s there for you with a helping paw. Percy definitely isn’t just for Christmas…Percy is homeless, abandoned by his owner at an animal rescue centre on a cold winter’s night. So when he finds a loving new home with Gail...
Fiona  Harrison. A Puppy Called Hugo

A Puppy Called Hugo

Fiona Harrison

Following hot on the paws from the bestselling A Pug Like Percy, the nation’s favourite pug is back! And this time, Percy has puppies…Percy the pug has found a loving home with Gail, Simon and their daughter Jenny. But now it’s time for Percy’s...
Bel  Mooney. A Small Dog Saved My Life

A Small Dog Saved My Life

Bel Mooney

A story of survival, transformation and love.In a beautiful and powerful memoir which mixes honest, personal revelation with literature, history, and inspirational self-help, Bel Mooney tells the story of her rescue dog, Bonnie, who in turn...
Rachel  Wells. Alfie the Doorstep Cat

Alfie the Doorstep Cat

Rachel Wells

For all fans of A Street Cat Named Bob, this is the only book to find in your stocking this Christmas.Can a pet really change your life?Alfie is homeless, abandoned after his elderly owner passes away. But when he stumbles on to Edgar Road,...
Rachel  Wells. Alfie the Holiday Cat

Alfie the Holiday Cat

Rachel Wells

The Sunday Times bestseller returns for a fourth book! Alfie and his mischievous kitten George are back for more adventures – this time taking them a long way from home…Alfie and George just can’t seem to keep out of trouble. So when they hear...
Richard  Surman. Cathedral Cats

Cathedral Cats

Richard Surman

The ebook edition of Cathedral Cats that captures the fascinating life stories of cats who make their homes in and around the grandeur of Britain’s cathedrals.Find out about Tomkin, the patron cat of Chelmsford Cathedral, who was rescued from a...
Richard  Surman. Cloister Cats

Cloister Cats

Richard Surman

Stories of Cats with real character, living in some of the most interesting buildings and communities in the UK. A beautifully presented gift book and a great companion volume to Cathedral Cats.Cloister Cats explores a wide range of cats and...
Collins  Dictionaries. Collins Complete Dog Manual

Collins Complete Dog Manual

Collins Dictionaries

A comprehensive, beautifully illustrated guide to all aspects of owning a dog.All of the aspects of dog ownership are covered in the comprehensive Collins Complete Dog Manual. From choosing which breed is right for you, to all elements of...
Pea  Horsley. Heart to Heart

Heart to Heart

Pea Horsley

Read the heartwarming story of Pea Horsley, the UK’s first professional animal communicator, as she tracks lost animals, tackles troublesome pets and helps people to truly understand their devoted friends.Pea Horsley never set out to be an...
Дорис Лессинг. On Cats

On Cats

Дорис Лессинг

A collection of charming and celebrated writings about cats, from Doris Lessing, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature.Doris Lessing’s love affair with cats began at a young age, when she became intrigued with the semi-feral creatures on the...
Коллектив авторов. The Devious Book for Cats: Cats have nine lives. Shouldn’t they be lived to the fullest?

The Devious Book for Cats: Cats have nine lives. Shouldn’t they be lived to the fullest?

Коллектив авторов

Cats once were proud, shrewd, independent animals who lived life on our own terms. But then came a life of domestication, comfort and free health care. And now cats are in danger of losing our sense of adventure completely. Fluffy and Bonkers...
Jan Fennell. The Practical Dog Listener: The 30-Day Path to a Lifelong Understanding of Your Dog

The Practical Dog Listener: The 30-Day Path to a Lifelong Understanding of Your Dog

Jan Fennell

In THE DOG LISTENER, Jan Fennell changed the way we think about our best friends. Now, in this indispensible companion volume, she deals with the day-to-day practicalities of putting those principles to work.In THE PRACTICAL DOG LISTENER, Jan...
Jan Fennell. The Puppy Listener

The Puppy Listener

Jan Fennell

An indispensible guide to raising your new puppy from the author of The Dog Listener. From teething to training, this book follows the development of your puppy from new pet to best friend.In The Puppy Listener Jan Fennell presents a...
Maddy  Hargrove. Freshwater Aquariums For Dummies

Freshwater Aquariums For Dummies

Maddy Hargrove

Covers the latest aquarium gadgets Design a dazzling underwater environment with this bestselling guide! Setting up your first freshwater aquarium can be a daunting task. This friendly guide answers all your questions, from setting up your tank...
Елена Медведева. Усыновить собаку?!!

Усыновить собаку?!!

Елена Медведева

Автор, кинолог-любитель, за свою жизнь вырастила и воспитала десятки собак разных размеров и пород: от крошечного чихуахуа до гигантских мастиффов и псовых борзых. Участвовала в соревнованиях по всем видам дрессировки, работала экспертом на...
Алёна Ларина. Теплыш и Душегрейка

Теплыш и Душегрейка

Алёна Ларина

Рассказ Алёны Лариной «Теплыш и Душегрейка» является продолжением серии книг «Собаки говорят», написанных автором от имени собак. Это забавные, смешные и познавательные рассказы для семейного чтения. Книга будет интересна и тем, кто хочет больше...
Алёна Ларина. Такса Тонушка

Такса Тонушка

Алёна Ларина

Рассказ Алёны Лариной «Такса Тонушка» является продолжением серии книг «Собаки говорят», написанных автором от имени собак. Это забавные, смешные и познавательные рассказы для семейного чтения и для тех, кто хочет больше знать о собаках.

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