Quantum Biochemistry

Ch?rif Matta F.. Quantum Biochemistry
Ch?rif Matta F.. Quantum Biochemistry
2.8 из 5, отдано 13 голосов
Divided into five major parts, the two volumes of this ready reference cover the tailoring of theoretical methods for biochemical computations, as well as the many kinds of biomolecules, reaction and transition state elucidation, conformational flexibility determination, and drug design. Throughout, the chapters gradually build up from introductory level to comprehensive reviews of the latest research, and include all important compound classes, such as DNA, RNA, enzymes, vitamins, and heterocyclic compounds. The result is in-depth and vital knowledge for both readers already working in the field as well as those entering it. Includes contributions by Prof. Ada Yonath (Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2009) and Prof. Jerome Karle (Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1985).

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