Heilende Magnete - strahlende Handys. Bioelektromagnetismus: Fakten und Legenden

Roland  Glaser. Heilende Magnete - strahlende Handys. Bioelektromagnetismus: Fakten und Legenden
Roland  Glaser. Heilende Magnete - strahlende Handys. Bioelektromagnetismus: Fakten und Legenden
2.95 из 5, отдано 25 голосов
While the other works in the «Erlebnis Wissenschaft» series have concentrated on chemical substances in everyday life, this book brings to life a passionately debated physical phenomenon that has equally become an integral part of our lives – so-called electrosmog. The term itself is misleading from the start, such that an objective scientific treatment is urgently needed. The author is one of Europe's leading experts in the field.

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