зарубежная образовательная литература

Wiley-VCH. Ullmann's Polymers and Plastics. Products and Processes

Ullmann's Polymers and Plastics. Products and Processes


Your personal Ullmann's: Chemical and physical characteristics, production processes and production figures, main applications, toxicology and safety information are all to be found here in one single resource – bringing the vast knowledge of...
Terri  Peters. Design for Health. Sustainable Approaches to Therapeutic Architecture

Design for Health. Sustainable Approaches to Therapeutic Architecture

Terri Peters

Design for Health: Sustainable Approaches to Therapeutic Architecture Guest-Edited by Terri Peters This issue of AD seeks out innovative and varied sustainable architectural responses to designing for health, such as: integrating sensory gardens...
Группа авторов. Single-Chain Polymer Nanoparticles

Single-Chain Polymer Nanoparticles

Группа авторов

This first book on this important and emerging topic presents an overview of the very latest results obtained in single-chain polymer nanoparticles obtained by folding synthetic single polymer chains, painting a complete picture from synthesis...
Группа авторов. The Wiley Handbook of Home Education

The Wiley Handbook of Home Education

Группа авторов

The Wiley Handbook of Home Education is a comprehensive collection of the latest scholarship in all aspects of home education in the United States and abroad. Presents the latest findings on academic achievement of home-schooled children, issues...
Группа авторов. Handbook of Paper and Board

Handbook of Paper and Board

Группа авторов

Papermaking is a fascinating art and technology. The second edition of this successful 2 volume handbook provides a comprehensive view on the technical, economic, ecologic and social background of paper and board. It has been updated, revised...
Stoyko Fakirov. Fundamentals of Polymer Science for Engineers

Fundamentals of Polymer Science for Engineers

Stoyko Fakirov

Filling a gap in the market, this textbook provides a concise, yet thorough introduction to polymer science for advanced engineering students and practitioners, focusing on the chemical, physical and materials science aspects that are most...
Bruce R. Hopkins. The Law of Fundraising, 2017 Cumulative Supplement

The Law of Fundraising, 2017 Cumulative Supplement

Bruce R. Hopkins

Untangle the web of fundraising regulations, with the latest updates for 2017 The Law of Fundraising is the definitive reference by the field's most respected authority, and the only book to tackle the increasingly complex maze of federal and...
Группа авторов. The Wiley Handbook of Social Studies Research

The Wiley Handbook of Social Studies Research

Группа авторов

The Wiley Handbook of Social Studies Research is a wide-ranging resource on the current state of social studies education. This timely work not only reflects on the many recent developments in the field, but also explores emerging trends. This...
Alfred Sattelberger P.. Inorganic Syntheses

Inorganic Syntheses

Alfred Sattelberger P.

This volume of Inorganic Syntheses spans the preparations of wide range of important inorganic, organometallic and solid-state compounds. The volume is divided into 6 chapters. The first chapter contains the syntheses of some key early...
Scott E. Denmark. Organic Reactions, Volume 90

Organic Reactions, Volume 90

Scott E. Denmark

The latest volume in this series for organic chemists in industry presents critical discussions of widely used organic reactions or particular phases of a reaction. The material is treated from a preparative viewpoint, with emphasis on...
Scott E. Denmark. Organic Reactions, Volume 91

Organic Reactions, Volume 91

Scott E. Denmark

The latest volume in this series for organic chemists in industry presents critical discussions of widely used organic reactions or particular phases of a reaction. The material is treated from a preparative viewpoint, with emphasis on...
Scott E. Denmark. Organic Reactions, Volume 92

Organic Reactions, Volume 92

Scott E. Denmark

The latest volume in this series for organic chemists in industry presents critical discussions of widely used organic reactions or particular phases of a reaction. The material is treated from a preparative viewpoint, with emphasis on...
Scott E. Denmark. Organic Reactions, Volume 93

Organic Reactions, Volume 93

Scott E. Denmark

The latest volume in this series for organic chemists in industry presents critical discussions of widely used organic reactions or particular phases of a reaction. The material is treated from a preparative viewpoint, with emphasis on...
CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety). Guidelines for Asset Integrity Management

Guidelines for Asset Integrity Management

CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety)

This book is an update and expansion of topics covered in Guidelines for Mechanical Integrity Systems (2006). The new book is consistent with Risk-Based Process Safety and Life Cycle approaches and includes details on failure modes and...
CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety). Guidelines for Combustible Dust Hazard Analysis

Guidelines for Combustible Dust Hazard Analysis

CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety)

This book describes how to conduct a Combustible Dust Hazard Analysis (CDHA) for processes handling combustible solids. The book explains how to do a dust hazard analysis by using either an approach based on compliance with existing consensus...
Группа авторов. Sequence-Controlled Polymers

Sequence-Controlled Polymers

Группа авторов

Edited by a leading authority in the field, the first book on this important and emerging topic provides an overview of the latest trends in sequence-controlled polymers. Following a brief introduction, the book goes on to discuss various...
Scott E. Denmark. Organic Reactions, Volume 89

Organic Reactions, Volume 89

Scott E. Denmark

The latest volume in this series for organic chemists in industry presents critical discussions of widely used organic reactions or particular phases of a reaction. The material is treated from a preparative viewpoint, with emphasis on...
Scott E. Denmark. Organic Reactions, Volume 88

Organic Reactions, Volume 88

Scott E. Denmark

Volume 88 represents the tenth single-chapter-volume produced in our 73-year history. Such single-chapter volumes represent definitive treatises on extremely important chemical transformations. The success of the research efforts over the past...
PCG Education. Argument Writing, Teacher Guide, Grades 9-12

Argument Writing, Teacher Guide, Grades 9-12

PCG Education

Paths to College and Career Jossey-Bass and PCG Education are proud to bring the Paths to College and Career English Language Arts (ELA) curriculum and professional development resources for grades 6–12 to educators across the country....
Bruce R. Hopkins. The Law of Fundraising, 2016 Supplement

The Law of Fundraising, 2016 Supplement

Bruce R. Hopkins

The latest developments in fundraising law, with expert insight and practical tools The Law of Fundraising is the classic guide on the subject, written by two of the US authorities on the law of tax-exempt organizations. This 2016 Supplement is...
Группа авторов. Lignocellulosic Fibers and Wood Handbook

Lignocellulosic Fibers and Wood Handbook

Группа авторов

This book will focus on lignocellulosic fibres as a raw material for several applications. It will start with wood chemistry and morphology. Then, some fibre isolation processes will be given, before moving to composites, panel and paper...
Enrique Saldivar-Guerra. Handbook of Polymer Synthesis, Characterization, and Processing

Handbook of Polymer Synthesis, Characterization, and Processing

Enrique Saldivar-Guerra

Covering a broad range of polymer science topics, Handbook of Polymer Synthesis, Characterization, and Processing provides polymer industry professionals and researchers in polymer science and technology with a single, comprehensive handbook...
Группа авторов. The Wiley International Handbook of Educational Leadership

The Wiley International Handbook of Educational Leadership

Группа авторов

A provocative and authoritative compendium of writings on leadership in education from distinguished scholar-educators worldwide. What is educational leadership? What are some of the trends, questions, and social forces most relevant to the...
Группа авторов. The Wiley Handbook of Cognition and Assessment

The Wiley Handbook of Cognition and Assessment

Группа авторов

This state-of-the-art resource brings together the most innovative scholars and thinkers in the field of testing to capture the changing conceptual, methodological, and applied landscape of cognitively-grounded educational assessments. Offers a...
Eric Rebentisch. Integrating Program Management and Systems Engineering. Methods, Tools, and Organizational Systems for Improving Performance

Integrating Program Management and Systems Engineering. Methods, Tools, and Organizational Systems for Improving Performance

Eric Rebentisch

Integrate critical roles to improve overall performance in complex engineering projects Integrating Program Management and Systems Engineering shows how organizations can become more effective, more efficient, and more responsive, and enjoy...
Melissa L. Freeman. College Completion for Latino/a Students: Institutional and System Approaches

College Completion for Latino/a Students: Institutional and System Approaches

Melissa L. Freeman

Latino/as are the fastest growing demographic in the United States. Despite recent gains in postsecondary enrollment, the Latino/a population is severely underrepresented when it comes to baccalaureate attainment. Hispanic-serving institutions...
Ronald  Wardhaugh. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics

An Introduction to Sociolinguistics

Ronald Wardhaugh

Thoroughly updated and revised, An Introduction to Sociolinguistics, 7th Edition presents a comprehensive and fully updated introduction to the study of the relationship between language and society. Building on Ronald Wardhaugh’s classic text,...
Sheri  Jacobs. Membership Essentials. Recruitment, Retention, Roles, Responsibilities, and Resources

Membership Essentials. Recruitment, Retention, Roles, Responsibilities, and Resources

Sheri Jacobs

The updated and expanded ASAE guide to membership fundamentals Membership Essentials is the American Society of Association Executives' flagship guide to all aspects of membership development, recruitment, and retention. One of the five core...
Dionne Rosser-Mims. Swimming Up Stream 2: Agency and Urgency in the Education of Black Men: New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, Number 150

Swimming Up Stream 2: Agency and Urgency in the Education of Black Men: New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, Number 150

Dionne Rosser-Mims

This volume is the continuation of a two-part series that focuses on salient topics and issues affecting Black males as they engage in adult education and learning. Considering the historical and current effects on the way these men participate...
Georges Guille-Escuret. Technicity vs Scientificity

Technicity vs Scientificity

Georges Guille-Escuret

The relationship between technicity and scientificity is often overlooked or avoided despite being a determining factor for establishing interdisciplinarity. By focusing on this relationship and highlighting a number of its ramifications, this...
Антонио Менегетти. Резиденс в Москве

Резиденс в Москве

Антонио Менегетти

«…Работа «Резиденс в Москве» написана по итогам семинара-резиденса, состоявшегося в российской столице в 1993 году и ориентированного непосредственно на психологов, психотерапевтов и специалистов в области медицины и образования в целом....
Джордж Г. Симпсон. Принципы таксономии животных

Принципы таксономии животных

Джордж Г. Симпсон

Монография по теории систематики животных, ставшая одной из ключевых в формировании школы эволюционной систематики. Рассмотрены основные концепции и понятия систематики, проблемы соотношения между филогенией и классификаций, иерархического...
Артур Вейгалл. Великие правители Древнего Египта. История царских династий от Аменемхета I до Тутмоса III

Великие правители Древнего Египта. История царских династий от Аменемхета I до Тутмоса III

Артур Вейгалл

Артур Вейгалл, известный английский египтолог, в своей книге прослеживает историю Древнего Египта в эпоху правления фараонов XII–XVIII династий. Опираясь на данные, полученные в ходе реконструкции надписи на Палермском камне и расшифровке...
Петър Берон. Загадки зоогеографии

Загадки зоогеографии

Петър Берон

В этой научно-популярной книге отражены представления автора о зоогеографии, прежде всего, как динамически развивающейся науке, о вымирании и расселении животных, о роли человека и других факторов в этих процессах. Написана она живым и доступным...
Йоран Терборн. От марксизма к постмарксизму?

От марксизма к постмарксизму?

Йоран Терборн

В этой, с одной стороны, лаконичной, а с другой – обобщающей книге один из ведущих мировых социальных теоретиков Иоран Терборн исследует траектории движения марксизма в XX столетии, а также актуальность его наследия для радикальной мысли XXI...
Джон М. Робертс. Мировая история

Мировая история

Джон М. Робертс

Эпохальный труд знаменитых английских ученых представляет собой не только настоящий кладезь сведений и бесчисленных фактов на основе огромной источниковедческой базы. Принципиальная новизна авторской концепции в том, что из тьмы этих фактов и...
Иммануил Кант. Критика чистого разума

Критика чистого разума

Иммануил Кант

«Критика чистого разума» – философский труд И. Канта, впервые опубликованный в 1781 г. и оказавший значительное влияние на развитие европейской и русской мысли XIX и XX вв. Ключевой вопрос «Критики», исследование познавательной возможности...
Джузеппе Ди Джакомо. Эстетика и литература. Великие романы на рубеже веков

Эстетика и литература. Великие романы на рубеже веков

Джузеппе Ди Джакомо

В книге Джузеппе Ди Джакомо рассматривается творчество ряда наиболее важных и значимых писателей девятнадцатого и двадцатого веков, от Флобера до Беккета, от Достоевского до Кафки, в тесной связи с анализом работ таких философов и теоретиков...
Эдуард Фукс. История нравов. Эпоха Ренессанса

История нравов. Эпоха Ренессанса

Эдуард Фукс

Отношения между мужчиной и женщиной в любые времена служат камертоном развития человечества. Изучение новых канонов красоты, способов ухаживания и брачных обычаев позволяет проследить зарождение и становление общества Ренессанса, предвестника...
Эдуард Фукс. История нравов. Галантный век

История нравов. Галантный век

Эдуард Фукс

В своем блестящем исследовании нравов немецкий историк обращается к эпохе абсолютизма, когда высший свет на закате старого режима ринулся в безудержную погоню за наслаждениями.
Людвиг Витгенштейн. Философские исследования

Философские исследования

Людвиг Витгенштейн

Людвиг Витгенштейн – британский философ австрийского происхождения, один из самых оригинальных мыслителей европейской философии ХХ века, создатель теории построения искусственного «идеального» языка, основанного на языке математической логики. ...

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