зарубежная образовательная литература

Brockington Dan. Capitalism and Conservation

Capitalism and Conservation

Brockington Dan

Through a series of case studies from around the world, Capitalism and Conservation presents a critique of conservation’s role as a central driver of global capitalism. Features innovative new research on case studies on the connections between...
Disner Sandra Ferrari. Vowels and Consonants

Vowels and Consonants

Disner Sandra Ferrari

This popular and accessible introduction to phonetics has been fully updated for its third edition, and now includes an accompanying website with sound files, and expanded coverage of topics such as speech technology. Describes how languages use...
Taherzadeh Shahram. Air Quality Management

Air Quality Management

Taherzadeh Shahram

Designed to accompany the new Open University course in Environmental Monitoring and Protection, this is one of four new titles which will equip the reader with the tools to undertake Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs). Used in planning,...
Papson Stephen. Landscapes of Capital

Landscapes of Capital

Papson Stephen

Every era has its dominant representations. Just as landscape painters of previous centuries captured and expressed new modes of perceiving history, corporate advertisers now devise the imagined landscapes of global capitalism. Advertising...
Dorling Steve. Operational Weather Forecasting

Operational Weather Forecasting

Dorling Steve

This book offers a complete primer, covering the end-to-end process of forecast production, and bringing together a description of all the relevant aspects together in a single volume; with plenty of explanation of some of the more complex...
Degallaix-Moreuil Suzanne. Duplex Stainless Steels

Duplex Stainless Steels

Degallaix-Moreuil Suzanne

Duplex Stainless Steels (DSSs) are chromium-nickel-molybdenum-iron alloys that are usually in proportions optimized for equalizing the volume fractions of austenite and ferrite. Due to their ferritic-austenitic microstructure, they possess a...
Lutz Stefan. Protein Engineering Handbook

Protein Engineering Handbook

Lutz Stefan

This introduction collects 17 innovative approaches to engineer novel and improved proteins for diverse applications in biotechnology, chemistry, bioanalytics and medicine. As such, key developments covered in this reference and handbook include...
Wang  Wei. Catalytic Cascade Reactions

Catalytic Cascade Reactions

Wang Wei

Demonstrates the advantages of catalytic cascade reactions for synthesizing natural products and pharmaceuticals Riding the wave of green chemistry, catalytic cascade reactions have become one of the most active research areas in organic...
Schlesinger Mordechay. Modern Electroplating

Modern Electroplating

Schlesinger Mordechay

The definitive resource for electroplating, now completely up to date With advances in information-age technologies, the field of electroplating has seen dramatic growth in the decade since the previous edition of Modern Electroplating was...
Henri-Rousseau Olivier. Quantum Oscillators

Quantum Oscillators

Henri-Rousseau Olivier

An invaluable reference for an overall but simple approach to the complexity of quantum mechanics viewed through quantum oscillators Quantum oscillators play a fundamental role in many areas of physics; for instance, in chemical physics with...
Schrefler Bernard. Environmental Geomechanics

Environmental Geomechanics

Schrefler Bernard

This book covers a range of topics that are of increasing importance in engineering practice: natural hazards, pollution, and environmental protection through good practice. The first half of the book deals with natural risk factors, of both...
Reichel Jakob. Atom Chips

Atom Chips

Reichel Jakob

This stimulating discussion of a rapidly developing field is divided into two parts. The first features tutorials in textbook style providing self-contained introductions to the various areas relevant to atom chip research. Part II contains...
Sinanan Jolynna. Webcam


Sinanan Jolynna

The use of webcam, especially through Skype, has recently become established as one more standard media technology, but so far there has been no attempt to assess its fundamental nature and consequences. Yet webcam has profound implications for...
Sperling Michael. Atomabsorptionsspektrometrie


Sperling Michael

Der breite Einsatz der Atomabsorptionsspektrometrie wird in dem grundlegend neubearbeiteten Standardwerk anhand zahlreicher Anwendungsgebiete dargestellt. Die Beschreibung der unterschiedlichen AAS-Techniken im Vergleich ermoglicht dem Anwender,...
Schoukens Johan. System Identification. A Frequency Domain Approach

System Identification. A Frequency Domain Approach

Schoukens Johan

System identification is a general term used to describe mathematical tools and algorithms that build dynamical models from measured data. Used for prediction, control, physical interpretation, and the designing of any electrical systems, they...
Reed Marnie. The Handbook of English Pronunciation

The Handbook of English Pronunciation

Reed Marnie

The Handbook of English Pronunciation presents a comprehensive exploration of English pronunciation with essential topics for applied linguistics researchers and teachers, including language acquisition, varieties of English, historical...
Horne Robert. The Expert Witness in Construction

The Expert Witness in Construction

Horne Robert

The role of the expert witness has long been important in the resolution of construction disputes. The specialist opinion brought by the expert can aid understanding and interpretation of the facts of the dispute, and may be influential in...
MacPherson Gordon. Exploring Immunology. Concepts and Evidence

Exploring Immunology. Concepts and Evidence

MacPherson Gordon

This concise introductory textbook uses carefully chosen examples from clinical and experimental observations to provide an insight into the principles underlying the immune system. As a result, it encourages readers to ask critical questions in...
Conde-Silvestre Juan Camilo. The Handbook of Historical Sociolinguistics

The Handbook of Historical Sociolinguistics

Conde-Silvestre Juan Camilo

Written by an international team of leading scholars, this groundbreaking reference work explores the nature of language change and diffusion, and paves the way for future research in this rapidly expanding interdisciplinary field. Features 35...
Dinges J?rgen. Bioactive Heterocyclic Compound Classes. Agrochemicals

Bioactive Heterocyclic Compound Classes. Agrochemicals

Dinges J?rgen

The chemistry of heterocycles is an important branch of organic chemistry. This is due to the fact that a large number of natural products, e. g. hormones, antibiotics, vitamins, etc. are composed of heterocyclic structures. Often, these...
Dinges J?rgen. Bioactive Heterocyclic Compound Classes. Pharmaceuticals

Bioactive Heterocyclic Compound Classes. Pharmaceuticals

Dinges J?rgen

The chemistry of heterocycles is an important branch of organic chemistry. This is due to the fact that a large number of natural products, e. g. hormones, antibiotics, vitamins, etc. are composed of heterocyclic structures. Often, these...
Popp J?rgen. Laser, Licht und Leben. Techniken in der Medizin

Laser, Licht und Leben. Techniken in der Medizin

Popp J?rgen

Der Mensch hat gelernt, Licht zu kontrollieren, in dem er beobachtete, wie Materie und Licht in der naturlichen Welt sich gegenseitig beeinflussen und verandern. Die neue Disziplin der Biophotonik setzt Licht als vielseitiges Werkzeug ein, um...
G?nther Marco. Mathematische Modellbildung und Simulation. Eine Einf?hrung f?r Wissenschaftler, Ingenieure und ?konomen

Mathematische Modellbildung und Simulation. Eine Einf?hrung f?r Wissenschaftler, Ingenieure und ?konomen

G?nther Marco

Diese fur Studierende ebenso wie fur Wissenschaftler, Ingenieure und Praktiker geeignete Einfuhrung in mathematische Modellbildung und Simulation setzt nur einfache Grundkenntnisse in Analysis und linearer Algebra voraus – alle weiteren Konzepte...
Niederreither Karen. The Retinoids. Biology, Biochemistry, and Disease

The Retinoids. Biology, Biochemistry, and Disease

Niederreither Karen

The Retinoids: Biology, Biochemistry, and Disease provides an overview and synthesis of the retinoid molecules, from basic biology to mechanisms of diseases and therapy. Divided into five sections, the book covers retinoic acid signaling from...
Borsley Robert. Non-Transformational Syntax. Formal and Explicit Models of Grammar

Non-Transformational Syntax. Formal and Explicit Models of Grammar

Borsley Robert

This authoritative introduction explores the four main non-transformational syntactic frameworks: Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Lexical-Functional Grammar, Categorial Grammar, and Simpler Syntax. It also considers a range of issues that...
Lian Lu-Yun. Protein NMR Spectroscopy. Practical Techniques and Applications

Protein NMR Spectroscopy. Practical Techniques and Applications

Lian Lu-Yun

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, a physical phenomenon based upon the magnetic properties of certain atomic nuclei, has found a wide range of applications in life sciences over recent decades. The dramatic advances in NMR...
Poole Marshall Scott. Strategic Organizational Communication. In a Global Economy

Strategic Organizational Communication. In a Global Economy

Poole Marshall Scott

Surveying a wide variety of disciplines, this fully-revised 7th edition offers a sophisticated and engaging treatment of the rapidly expanding field of organizational communication Places organizations and organizational communication within a...
Popp J?rgen. Modern Techniques for Pathogen Detection

Modern Techniques for Pathogen Detection

Popp J?rgen

This outstanding overview sets a new standard for a methods book on pathogen detection. The first chapter provides an outline of currently used routine methods, including their background, strengths and weaknesses, as well as comparing them to...
Reingand Nadya. Optical Imaging and Metrology. Advanced Technologies

Optical Imaging and Metrology. Advanced Technologies

Reingand Nadya

A comprehensive review of the state of the art and advances in the field, while also outlining the future potential and development trends of optical imaging and optical metrology, an area of fast growth with numerous applications in...
Blann Andrew. Blood Science. Principles and Pathology

Blood Science. Principles and Pathology

Blann Andrew

Blood Science is a relatively new discipline which merges biochemistry, haematology, immunology, transfusion science and genetics. This bringing together of traditional disciplines requires a corresponding change in education and training for...
Pearce-Smith Nicola. Searching Skills Toolkit. Finding the Evidence

Searching Skills Toolkit. Finding the Evidence

Pearce-Smith Nicola

Searching Skills Toolkit is an expert guide to help you find the clinical evidence you need more easily and effectively. Clearly presented with useful tips and advice, flow charts, diagrams and real-life clinical scenarios, it shows the best...
Degryse Patrick. Isotopic Analysis. Fundamentals and Applications Using ICP-MS

Isotopic Analysis. Fundamentals and Applications Using ICP-MS

Degryse Patrick

Edited by two very well-known and respected scientists in the field, this excellent practical guide is the first to cover the fundamentals and a wide range of applications, as well as showing readers how to efficiently use this increasingly...
Ledru Patrick. Geothermal Energy Systems. Exploration, Development, and Utilization

Geothermal Energy Systems. Exploration, Development, and Utilization

Ledru Patrick

Presenting boundary conditions for the economic and environmental utilization of geothermal technology, this is the first book to provide basic knowledge on the topic in such detail. The editor is the coordinator of the European Geothermic...
Levi Paul. Synergetic Agents. From Multi-Robot Systems to Molecular Robotics

Synergetic Agents. From Multi-Robot Systems to Molecular Robotics

Levi Paul

This book addresses both multi robot systems and miniaturization to the nanoscale from a unifying point of view, but without leaving aside typical particularities of either. The unifying aspect is based on the concept of information minimization...
Schollhammer Philippe. Bioinspired Catalysis. Metal-Sulfur Complexes

Bioinspired Catalysis. Metal-Sulfur Complexes

Schollhammer Philippe

This book provides an overview of bioinspired metal-sulfur catalysis by covering structures, activities and model complexes of enzymes exhibiting metal sulphur moieties in their active center.
Li  Ping. The Psycholinguistics of Bilingualism

The Psycholinguistics of Bilingualism

Li Ping

The Psycholinguistics of Bilingualism presents a comprehensive introduction to the foundations of bilingualism, covering language processing, language acquisition, cognition and the bilingual brain. This thorough introduction to the...
Wang  Qiong. Body Area Communications. Channel Modeling, Communication Systems, and EMC

Body Area Communications. Channel Modeling, Communication Systems, and EMC

Wang Qiong

Providing an introduction to the fundamentals of body area communications, this book covers the key topics of channel modeling, modulation and demodulation, and performance evaluation A systematic introduction to body area networks (BAN), this...
Waser Rainer. Resistive Switching. From Fundamentals of Nanoionic Redox Processes to Memristive Device Applications

Resistive Switching. From Fundamentals of Nanoionic Redox Processes to Memristive Device Applications

Waser Rainer

With its comprehensive coverage, this reference introduces readers to the wide topic of resistance switching, providing the knowledge, tools, and methods needed to understand, characterize and apply resistive switching memories. Starting with...
Pierrehumbert Raymond. The Warming Papers. The Scientific Foundation for the Climate Change Forecast

The Warming Papers. The Scientific Foundation for the Climate Change Forecast

Pierrehumbert Raymond

Chosen for the 2011 ASLI Choice – Honorable Mention (History Category) for a compendium of the key scientific papers that undergird the global warming forecast. Global warming is arguably the defining scientific issue of modern times, but it is...
Bacher Reiner. Dioxine. Chemie, Analytik, Vorkommen, Umweltverhalten und Toxikologie der halogenierten Dibenzo-p-dioxine und Dibenzofurane

Dioxine. Chemie, Analytik, Vorkommen, Umweltverhalten und Toxikologie der halogenierten Dibenzo-p-dioxine und Dibenzofurane

Bacher Reiner

Dioxine machen immer wieder Schlagzeilen. Um wirklich verla?liche Aussagen uber die Risiken fur Mensch und Umwelt machen zu konnen, ist eine solide Kenntnis der Chemie,der Analytik und des Vorkommens dieser Stoffklasse unverzichtbar. Alle...
Minol Sabine. Die Menschen Macher. Sehnsucht nach Unsterblichkeit

Die Menschen Macher. Sehnsucht nach Unsterblichkeit

Minol Sabine

Es ist wahrscheinlicher geworden, dass wir zu «MenschenMachern» werden. In ihrem Buch widmen sich Hans-Gunter Gassen und Sabine Minol diesem faszinierenden Thema, das uns alle angeht. Sie erortern die Einzigartigkeit des Menschen und den...
Hamilton Sara. Family Legacy and Leadership. Preserving True Family Wealth in Challenging Times

Family Legacy and Leadership. Preserving True Family Wealth in Challenging Times

Hamilton Sara

Hamilton and Daniell have creatively taught us how to weave together the threads of lineage that create family legacy. They have also clarified the vision of what family leaders look like who are the master weavers of such threads. This all...
Wrede Paul. Charles Darwin. Die Entstehung der Arten

Charles Darwin. Die Entstehung der Arten

Wrede Paul

Das grundlegende Werk von Darwin On the Origin of Species liegt hier in der originalen ?bersetzung durch Julius Victor Carus vor, erweitert durch zahlreiche Erl?uterungen, aussagekr?ftige Abbildungen sowie wichtige historische Bez?ge. Die...
Frenking Gernot. The Chemical Bond. Fundamental Aspects of Chemical Bonding

The Chemical Bond. Fundamental Aspects of Chemical Bonding

Frenking Gernot

This is the perfect complement to «Chemical Bonding – Across the Periodic Table» by the same editors, who are two of the top scientists working on this topic, each with extensive experience and important connections within the community. The...
Tardu Sedat. Convective Heat Transfer. Solved Problems

Convective Heat Transfer. Solved Problems

Tardu Sedat

Each chapter begins with a brief yet complete presentation of the related topic. This is followed by a series of solved problems. The latter are scrupulously detailed and complete the synthetic presentation given at the beginning of each...
Adali T?lay. Adaptive Signal Processing. Next Generation Solutions

Adaptive Signal Processing. Next Generation Solutions

Adali T?lay

Leading experts present the latest research results in adaptive signal processing Recent developments in signal processing have made it clear that significant performance gains can be achieved beyond those achievable using standard adaptive...
Frattasi Simone. Mobile Positioning and Tracking. From Conventional to Cooperative Techniques

Mobile Positioning and Tracking. From Conventional to Cooperative Techniques

Frattasi Simone

This book presents the most recent state of the art in mobile positioning and tracking techniques. This book discusses mobile positioning solutions applied on top of current wireless communication networks. In addition, the authors introduce...
Uversky Vladimir. Flexible Viruses. Structural Disorder in Viral Proteins

Flexible Viruses. Structural Disorder in Viral Proteins

Uversky Vladimir

This book provides up-to-date information on experimental and computational characterization of the structural and functional properties of viral proteins, which are widely involved in regulatory and signaling processes. With chapters by leading...
Docherty Suzanne. Biomedical Sciences. Essential Laboratory Medicine

Biomedical Sciences. Essential Laboratory Medicine

Docherty Suzanne

Biomedical Sciences is an indispensable, all encompassing core textbook for first/ second year biomedical science students that will support them throughout their undergraduate career. The book includes the key components of the IBMS accredited...
Holder Tim. Applied Sport Psychology. A Case-Based Approach

Applied Sport Psychology. A Case-Based Approach

Holder Tim

Taking a refreshingly different approach to the subject, this new textbook uses original case studies of psychological support work with individual athletes and groups to illustrate the underlying theory and inform the reader of cutting edge...

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