зарубежная образовательная литература

Mills Keith. Heterocyclic Chemistry At A Glance

Heterocyclic Chemistry At A Glance

Mills Keith

Heterocyclic chemistry is a central part of organic chemistry and biochemistry, dealing with a particular set of chemical structures; organic compounds with a ring structure containing at least one heteroatom (commonly nitrogen, oxygen or...
Palloff Rena M.. Assessing the Online Learner. Resources and Strategies for Faculty

Assessing the Online Learner. Resources and Strategies for Faculty

Palloff Rena M.

Written by Rena M. Palloff and Keith Pratt, experts in the field of online teaching and learning, this hands-on resource helps higher education professionals understand the fundamentals of effective online assessment. It offers guidance for...
Barron Kenneth E.. Discipline-Centered Learning Communities: Creating Connections Among Students, Faculty, and Curricula. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, Number 132

Discipline-Centered Learning Communities: Creating Connections Among Students, Faculty, and Curricula. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, Number 132

Barron Kenneth E.

Take an in depth look at discipline-centered learning communities. Using psychology as an example, this issue provides prescriptive advice for those interested in developing a learning community in any academic discipline or program. Learning...
Seddon Kenneth R.. Molten Salts and Ionic Liquids. Never the Twain?

Molten Salts and Ionic Liquids. Never the Twain?

Seddon Kenneth R.

For many years, the related fields of molten salts and ionic liquids have drifted apart, to their mutual detriment. Both molten salts and ionic liquids are liquid salts containing only ions – all that is different is the temperature! Both fields...
Cruz Laura. To Improve the Academy. Resources for Faculty, Instructional, and Organizational Development

To Improve the Academy. Resources for Faculty, Instructional, and Organizational Development

Cruz Laura

An annual publication of the Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education (POD), To Improve the Academy offers a resource for improvement in higher education to faculty and instructional development staff, department...
Graham Linda J.. The Power In / Of Language

The Power In / Of Language

Graham Linda J.

The Power In/Of Language features a collection of essays that analyse the ways in which language is utilized in contemporary education revealing its deeply entrenched power relationships. Features essays grounded in theoretical rigor that offer...
Terkla Dawn Geronimo. Assessing Civic Engagement. New Directions for Institutional Research, Number 162

Assessing Civic Engagement. New Directions for Institutional Research, Number 162

Terkla Dawn Geronimo

How does one assess community service, civic engagement, and the impact of service learning on a college campus? This volume reviews contemporary research, measurement instruments, and practices in the assessment of civic engagement in higher...
Ottoboni M. Alice. The Dose Makes the Poison. A Plain-Language Guide to Toxicology

The Dose Makes the Poison. A Plain-Language Guide to Toxicology

Ottoboni M. Alice

This new edition of a widely-read and highly-acclaimed book broadens the scope of its predecessors from a heavy focus on industrial chemicals as toxicants to include drugs, food additives, cosmetics and other types of compounds that people are...
Rahman M. Azizur. An Introduction to Wavelet Modulated Inverters

An Introduction to Wavelet Modulated Inverters

Rahman M. Azizur

The introductory chapter briefly presents the fundamental topologies and operation of power inverters. The second chapter contains a description of wavelet basis functions and sampling theory with particular reference to the switching model of...
Kennes Christian. Air Pollution Prevention and Control. Bioreactors and Bioenergy

Air Pollution Prevention and Control. Bioreactors and Bioenergy

Kennes Christian

In recent years, air pollution has become a major worldwide concern. Air pollutants can affect metabolic activity, impede healthy development, and exhibit carcinogenic and toxic properties in humans. Over the past two decades, the use of...
McGuire Bill. Climate Forcing of Geological Hazards

Climate Forcing of Geological Hazards

McGuire Bill

Climate Forcing of Geological Hazards provides a valuable new insight into how climate change is able to influence, modulate and trigger geological and geomorphological phenomena, such as earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and landslides;...
Zvelebil Marketa J.. Concise Encyclopaedia of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology

Concise Encyclopaedia of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology

Zvelebil Marketa J.

Concise Encyclopaedia of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2nd Edition is a fully revised and updated version of this acclaimed resource. The book provides definitions and often explanations of over 1000 words, phrases and concepts...
Wightman Marlene. Fractography of Glasses and Ceramics VI

Fractography of Glasses and Ceramics VI

Wightman Marlene

Provides an excellent one-stop resource for understanding the most important current issues in the research and applications of fractography of glasses and ceramics.
Bean John C.. Engaging Ideas. The Professor's Guide to Integrating Writing, Critical Thinking, and Active Learning in the Classroom

Engaging Ideas. The Professor's Guide to Integrating Writing, Critical Thinking, and Active Learning in the Classroom

Bean John C.

Learn to design interest-provoking writing and critical thinking activities and incorporate them into your courses in a way that encourages inquiry, exploration, discussion, and debate, with Engaging Ideas, a practical nuts-and-bolts guide for...
Tucker Maurice E.. Calcretes (Reprint Series Volume 2 of the IAS)

Calcretes (Reprint Series Volume 2 of the IAS)

Tucker Maurice E.

Calcretes are an important component of many ancient fluvial, lacustrine and shallow-marine carbonate sequences, and they are widely developed in many parts of the world at the present time. Calcretes are useful to the earth scientist involved...
Ambrose Barbara A.. Annual Plant Reviews, The Evolution of Plant Form

Annual Plant Reviews, The Evolution of Plant Form

Ambrose Barbara A.

The Evolution of Plant Form is an exceptional new volume in Wiley-Blackwell’s highly successful and well established Annual Plant Reviews. Written by recognised and respected researchers, this book delivers a comprehensive guide to the diverse...
Baizerman Michael L.. Evaluation Advisory Groups. New Directions for Evaluation, Number 136

Evaluation Advisory Groups. New Directions for Evaluation, Number 136

Baizerman Michael L.

Advisory committees are used often in evaluation studies, yet this practice is little discussed or reported. This issue is the first full-length text devoted to the purpose, practice, and scholarship about this type of formal, structured advice....
Bittner Michael L.. Epistemology of the Cell. A Systems Perspective on Biological Knowledge

Epistemology of the Cell. A Systems Perspective on Biological Knowledge

Bittner Michael L.

Honorable mention – Biomedicine and Neuroscience, 2011 Prose Awards An examination of how the cell should be described in order to effectively process biological data «The fruitful pursuit of biological knowledge requires one to take Einstein's...
Martin Georgianna L.. Research-Driven Practice in Student Affairs: Implications from the Wabash National Study of Liberal Arts Education. New Directions for Student Services, Number 147

Research-Driven Practice in Student Affairs: Implications from the Wabash National Study of Liberal Arts Education. New Directions for Student Services, Number 147

Martin Georgianna L.

As student affairs units face increasing pressure to use data and evidence to inform planning and decisions, the research related to higher education has become more complex and, in some cases, less accessible. This issue aims to bridge this gap...
Smith Dana K.. Building Information Modeling. A Strategic Implementation Guide for Architects, Engineers, Constructors, and Real Estate Asset Managers

Building Information Modeling. A Strategic Implementation Guide for Architects, Engineers, Constructors, and Real Estate Asset Managers

Smith Dana K.

The optimal approach to design, build, operate, and maintain buildings With this strategic guide to building information modeling (BIM), you’ll learn how to implement this new technology as part of a comprehensive systems approach to the design,...
Lee Mike S.. Dried Blood Spots. Applications and Techniques

Dried Blood Spots. Applications and Techniques

Lee Mike S.

An informative and comprehensive book on the applications and techniques of dried blood spot sampling Dried blood spot (DBS) sampling involves the collection of a small volume of blood, via a simple prick or other means, from a study subject...
Lancaster N.. Aeolian Sediments. Ancient and Modern (Special Publication 16 of the IAS)

Aeolian Sediments. Ancient and Modern (Special Publication 16 of the IAS)

Lancaster N.

Studies of aeolian sediments, both ancient and modern, have exhibited a number of important conceptual advances in recent years. In particular, there has been a move away from descriptions of sediments, bedforms and sedimentary environments...
Mirza Abbas A.. Wiley International Trends in Financial Reporting under IFRS. Including Comparisons with US GAAP, China GAAP, and India Accounting Standards

Wiley International Trends in Financial Reporting under IFRS. Including Comparisons with US GAAP, China GAAP, and India Accounting Standards

Mirza Abbas A.

Wiley International Financial Reporting Trends provides copious examples of footnote disclosures and financial statement formats, carefully culled from the world's leading international companies («Global 500») that are already compliant with...
Braxton John M.. Codes of Conduct in Academia. New Directions for Higher Education, Number 160

Codes of Conduct in Academia. New Directions for Higher Education, Number 160

Braxton John M.

Chapters of this issue of New Directions for Higher Education present tenets of codes of conduct for the presidency, academic deans, admissions officers, fund-raising professionals, faculty who teach undergraduate students, and faculty who teach...
Levy Gary D.. Benchmarking in Institutional Research. New Directions for Institutional Research, Number 156

Benchmarking in Institutional Research. New Directions for Institutional Research, Number 156

Levy Gary D.

While the term benchmarking is commonplace nowadays in institutional research and higher education, less common, is a solid understanding of what it really means and how it has been, and can be, used effectively. This volume begins by defining...
Rudd Oliver. Fracking. The Operations and Environmental Consequences of Hydraulic Fracturing

Fracking. The Operations and Environmental Consequences of Hydraulic Fracturing

Rudd Oliver

This book presents both sides of a very controversial subject in today’s media: induced hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking.” It covers the technology and methods used in hydraulic fracturing in easy-to-understand language, for the engineer and...
Fackler P. Mark. The Handbook of Global Communication and Media Ethics

The Handbook of Global Communication and Media Ethics

Fackler P. Mark

This groundbreaking handbook provides a comprehensive picture of the ethical dimensions of communication in a global setting. Both theoretical and practical, this important volume will raise the ethical bar for both scholars and practitioners in...
Pozdeev P. P.. Homogeneous Catalysis with Metal Complexes. Kinetic Aspects and Mechanisms

Homogeneous Catalysis with Metal Complexes. Kinetic Aspects and Mechanisms

Pozdeev P. P.

Homogeneous catalysis by soluble metal complexes has gained considerable attention due to its unique applications and features such as high activity and selectivity. Catalysis of this type has demonstrated impressive achievements in synthetic...
Taylor Edward W.. The Handbook of Transformative Learning. Theory, Research, and Practice

The Handbook of Transformative Learning. Theory, Research, and Practice

Taylor Edward W.

The Handbook of Transformative Learning The leading resource for the field, this handbook provides a comprehensive and critical review of more than three decades of theory development, research, and practice in transformative learning. The...
Rogers Patricia J.. Purposeful Program Theory. Effective Use of Theories of Change and Logic Models

Purposeful Program Theory. Effective Use of Theories of Change and Logic Models

Rogers Patricia J.

Between good intentions and great results lies a program theory—not just a list of tasks but a vision of what needs to happen, and how. Now widely used in government and not-for-profit organizations, program theory provides a coherent picture of...
Tran-Cong-Miyata Qui. Nonlinear Dynamics with Polymers. Fundamentals, Methods and Applications

Nonlinear Dynamics with Polymers. Fundamentals, Methods and Applications

Tran-Cong-Miyata Qui

Closing a gap in the literature, this is the first comprehensive handbook on this modern and important polymer topic. Edited by highly experienced and top scientists in the field, this ready reference covers all aspects, including material...
Woodcock Nigel H.. Geological History of Britain and Ireland

Geological History of Britain and Ireland

Woodcock Nigel H.

Britain and Ireland have a remarkably varied geology for so small a fragment of continental crust, with a fine rock record back through three billion years of geological time. This history would have been interesting enough if it had been played...
Hogg Richard M.. A Grammar of Old English, Volume 2. Morphology

A Grammar of Old English, Volume 2. Morphology

Hogg Richard M.

A Grammar of Old English, Volume II: Morphology completes Richard M. Hogg's two-volume analysis of the sounds and grammatical forms of the Old English language. Incorporates insights derived from the latest theoretical and technological...
Buehrer R. Michael. Handbook of Position Location. Theory, Practice and Advances

Handbook of Position Location. Theory, Practice and Advances

Buehrer R. Michael

Radio systems capable of localization have emerging applications in homeland security, law enforcement, emergency response, defense command and control, multi-robot coordination and vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-pedestrian collision...
Olevsky E. A.. Advances in Sintering Science and Technology

Advances in Sintering Science and Technology

Olevsky E. A.

This issue of the Ceramic Transactions compiles 41 papers covering a rich diversity of the sintering science and technology topics. These papers were presented at the International Conference on Sintering, November 16-20, 2008 in La Jolla,...
Allen Lawrence R.. Recreation as a Developmental Experience: Theory Practice Research. New Directions for Youth Development, Number 130

Recreation as a Developmental Experience: Theory Practice Research. New Directions for Youth Development, Number 130

Allen Lawrence R.

It's not all «fun and games.» A growing body of research suggests that recreation activities can be powerful development contexts when they are properly framed and intentionally designed. This volume highlights much of that research, and the...
Wicks Robert J.. Primer on Posttraumatic Growth. An Introduction and Guide

Primer on Posttraumatic Growth. An Introduction and Guide

Wicks Robert J.

From the inspiring chapter quotes, to relevant historical and current research, to practical clinical directions, Primer on Posttraumatic Growth takes a giant step toward both grounding us and moving us ahead with strong hope for adjustment and...
Curry Stephen H.. Drug Disposition and Pharmacokinetics. From Principles to Applications

Drug Disposition and Pharmacokinetics. From Principles to Applications

Curry Stephen H.

This is an authoritative, comprehensive book on the fate of drug molecules in the body, including implications for pharmacological and clinical effects. The text provides a unique, balanced approach, examining the specific physical and...
Lieberman Bruce S.. Prehistoric Life. Evolution and the Fossil Record

Prehistoric Life. Evolution and the Fossil Record

Lieberman Bruce S.

Prehistoric life is the archive of evolution preserved in the fossil record. This book focuses on the meaning and significance of that archive and is designed for introductory college science students, including non-science majors, enrolled in...
Sorochty Roger W.. Risk Management in Student Affairs. Foundations for Safety and Success

Risk Management in Student Affairs. Foundations for Safety and Success

Sorochty Roger W.

A comprehensive, accessible guide to the policies and practices of risk management in higher education Student affairs staff at all types of colleges and universities need to be equipped to help manage risk and protect their institutions, the...
Nakayama Thomas K.. The Handbook of Critical Intercultural Communication

The Handbook of Critical Intercultural Communication

Nakayama Thomas K.

The Handbook of Critical Intercultural Communication aims to furnish scholars with a consolidated resource of works that highlights all aspects of the field, its historical inception, logics, terms, and possibilities. A consolidated resource of...
Bar? Arturo M.. Atomic Force Microscopy in Liquid. Biological Applications

Atomic Force Microscopy in Liquid. Biological Applications

Bar? Arturo M.

About 40 % of current atomic force microscopy (AFM) research is performed in liquids, making liquid-based AFM a rapidly growing and important tool for the study of biological materials. This book focuses on the underlying principles and...
Museus Samuel D.. Using Mixed Methods to Study Intersectionality in Higher Education. New Directions in Institutional Research, Number 151

Using Mixed Methods to Study Intersectionality in Higher Education. New Directions in Institutional Research, Number 151

Museus Samuel D.

This volume offers institutional researchers several examples of the ways in which quantitative and qualitative methods can be integrated for a better grasp of how members of our educational communities understand and experience their...
Klimchuk Marianne R.. Packaging Design. Successful Product Branding From Concept to Shelf

Packaging Design. Successful Product Branding From Concept to Shelf

Klimchuk Marianne R.

The fully updated single-source guide to creating successful packaging designs for consumer products Now in full-color throughout, Packaging Design, Second Edition has been fully updated to secure its place as the most comprehensive resource of...
Fredricks Jennifer A.. Organized Out-of-School Activities: Setting for Peer Relationships. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, Number 140

Organized Out-of-School Activities: Setting for Peer Relationships. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, Number 140

Fredricks Jennifer A.

Explore how the peer relationship and extracurricular organized activities—like sports, the arts, and community-based organizations—influence academic functioning, social development, and problem behavior. This volume shows how out-of-school...
Palsule Sanjay. Encyclopedia of Polymer Blends, Volume 2. Processing

Encyclopedia of Polymer Blends, Volume 2. Processing

Palsule Sanjay

A complete and timely overview of the topic, this volume imparts knowledge of fundamental principles and their applications for academicians, scientists and researchers, while informing engineers, industrialists and entrepreneurs of the current...
Vasilenko Sara A.. Positive and Negative Outcomes of Sexual Behaviors. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, Number 144

Positive and Negative Outcomes of Sexual Behaviors. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, Number 144

Vasilenko Sara A.

Developing healthy sexual behaviors is critical to adolescents’ wellbeing. While more emphasis has been on negative outcomes, there are broad positive implications for physical health, mental health, intimate relationships, and identity...
Laplante Phillip A.. Real-Time Systems Design and Analysis. Tools for the Practitioner

Real-Time Systems Design and Analysis. Tools for the Practitioner

Laplante Phillip A.

The leading text in the field explains step by step how to write software that responds in real time From power plants to medicine to avionics, the world increasingly depends on computer systems that can compute and respond to various...
Nair K. M.. Advances in Electroceramic Materials II

Advances in Electroceramic Materials II

Nair K. M.

During the past decades, understanding of the science and technology powering electronic materials has played a major role in satisfying social needs by developing electronic devices for automotive, telecommunications, military, and medical...
Nair K. M.. Advances and Applications in Electroceramics II

Advances and Applications in Electroceramics II

Nair K. M.

With contributed papers from the 2011 Materials Science & Technology symposia, this is a useful one-stop resource for understanding the most important issues in the advances and applications of electroceramics. Logically organized and carefully...

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