зарубежная образовательная литература

Robert A. Meyers. Systems Biology

Systems Biology

Robert A. Meyers

Systems biology is a relatively new biological study field that focuses on the systematic study of complex interactions in biological systems, thus using a new perspective (integration instead of reduction) to study them. Particularly from year...
Karsten Schr?r. Acetylsalicylic Acid

Acetylsalicylic Acid

Karsten Schr?r

Written by a leading expert on Aspirin-related research, this is the first comprehensive treaty of the history, pharmacological effects and clinical applications of one of the most successful drugs ever. The text is written with a wide audience...
Ch?rif Matta F.. Quantum Biochemistry

Quantum Biochemistry

Ch?rif Matta F.

Divided into five major parts, the two volumes of this ready reference cover the tailoring of theoretical methods for biochemical computations, as well as the many kinds of biomolecules, reaction and transition state elucidation, conformational...
Takao  Someya. Stretchable Electronics

Stretchable Electronics

Takao Someya

On a daily basis, our requirements for technology become more innovative and creative and the field of electronics is helping to lead the way to more advanced appliances. This book gathers and evaluates the materials, designs, models, and...
Oleg Okhotnikov G.. Fiber Lasers

Fiber Lasers

Oleg Okhotnikov G.

A comprehensive account of the latest developments and applications in this rapidly developing field, covering a wide range of topics, such as power scaling and short pulse generation, dispersion management and modeling, broadband supercontinuum...
Hans  Bisswanger. Practical Enzymology

Practical Enzymology

Hans Bisswanger

The second edition of the perfect companion for practical course work in enzymology. Now with an improved selection of enzymatic assays based on key metabolic reactions, this book provides the detailed background to the enzymatic reaction and...
Robert A. Meyers. Synthetic Biology

Synthetic Biology

Robert A. Meyers

These two volumes contain a selection of updated articles from the acclaimed Meyers Encyclopedia of Molecular Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine, the most authoritative resource in cell and molecular biology, combined with new articles by...
Robert A. Meyers. RNA Regulation

RNA Regulation

Robert A. Meyers

Based on one of the leading encyclopedic resources in cell and molecular biology worldwide, this two-volume work contains more than 75% new content, not previously published in the Encyclopedia. All the other chapters have been carefully...
Evgeny  Katz. Implantable Bioelectronics

Implantable Bioelectronics

Evgeny Katz

Here the renowned editor Evgeny Katz has chosen contributions that cover a wide range of examples and issues in implantable bioelectronics, resulting in an excellent overview of the topic. The various implants covered include biosensoric and...
Jill Rettberg Walker. Blogging


Jill Rettberg Walker

Thoroughly revised and updated, this new edition of Blogging provides an accessible study of a now everyday phenomenon and places it in a historical, theoretical and contemporary context. The second edition takes into account the most recent...
J. Davim Paulo. Biotribology


J. Davim Paulo

Tribology is the “science and technology of interacting surfaces in relative motion” and encompasses the study of friction, wear and lubrication. By extension biotribology is usually defined as the tribological phenomena occurring in either the...
V?ronique Migonney. Biomaterials


V?ronique Migonney

Discovered in the 20th century, biomaterials have contributed to many of the incredible scientific and technological advancements made in recent decades. This book introduces and details the tenets of biomaterials, their relevance in a various...
G?nter Rombach. Spannbetonbau


G?nter Rombach

Prestressing increases the load-bearing capacity of reinforced concrete structures significantly and also improves their serviceability. Long span bridges, very slender stressed ribbon or large shell structures as well as tall liquid containers...
Winfried  Storhas. Bioverfahrensentwicklung


Winfried Storhas

Zukunft sichern durch Nachhaltigkeit? Bioverfahrenstechnik bedeutet einen wichtigen Schritt auf dem Weg dorthin. Sie ersetzt klassische chemische Syntheseverfahren durch nachhaltige biologische Verfahren und vereint unterschiedliche Gebiete aus...
Людвиг Витгенштейн. Логико-философский трактат

Логико-философский трактат

Людвиг Витгенштейн

Текст «Логико-философского трактата» едва ли можно назвать объемным, однако трудно переоценить его значимость для всей последующей европейской философии, и краткость в данном случае говорит лишь о том, насколько сжато, четко и точно Витгенштейн...
Клаус Хаусман. Протистология


Клаус Хаусман

Предлагаем читателю перевод третьего издания всемирно известного учебника по протистологии немецких авторов (2003 г.). Книгу отличает большое количество прекрасных иллюстраций. Она дает краткое и вместе с тем достаточно полное представление о...
Альберто Анджела. Беспредельная Римская империя. Пик расцвета и захват мира

Беспредельная Римская империя. Пик расцвета и захват мира

Альберто Анджела

Место действия книги знаменитого итальянского палеонтолога, тележурналиста и писателя Альберто Анджелы – вся Римская империя эпохи Траяна. Как жили в то время? Каких людей мы встретили бы в ее городах? Как удалось римлянам создать столь...
Салли Э. Смит. Микоризный симбиоз

Микоризный симбиоз

Салли Э. Смит

Книга представляет собой обзор, обобщающий результаты фундаментальных разносторонних исследований микоризы, как классических, так и современных, и отражающий самые разнообразные аспекты изучаемой проблемы. Авторы, признанные специалисты в...
Коллектив авторов. Ценности и принципы исламской экономики

Ценности и принципы исламской экономики

Коллектив авторов

В европейской традиции (за исключением исторической школы) экономический и моральный дискурсы разделены еще со времен «Богатства народов» Адама Смита. В исламской же экономической мысли морально-этические соображения непосредственно включаются в...
Гордон Ньюфелд. Ключи к благополучию детей и подростков: почему дети должны расти в семьях, которые, в свою очередь, должны получать поддержку общества и государства. Выступление в Европарламенте, Брюссель 2012 г.

Ключи к благополучию детей и подростков: почему дети должны расти в семьях, которые, в свою очередь, должны получать поддержку общества и государства. Выступление в Европарламенте, Брюссель 2012 г.

Гордон Ньюфелд

Доктор Гордон Ньюфелд посвятил свою профессиональную карьеру преподаванию и разработке своей теории в области психологии развития в университете, а также практике клинического психолога. Его подход к развитию на основе привязанности...
Дагмар Нойброннер. Понимать детей. Путеводитель по теории привязанности Гордона Ньюфелда

Понимать детей. Путеводитель по теории привязанности Гордона Ньюфелда

Дагмар Нойброннер

Книга Дагмар Нойброннер представляет собой краткий, но емкий и наглядный обзор модели привязанности, разработанной канадским психологом Гордоном Ньюфелдом. Будучи преподавателем Института Ньюфелда, Дагмар не только в полной мере владеет теорией,...
Хью Томас. Великая Испанская империя

Великая Испанская империя

Хью Томас

Правление Филиппа II – сына Карла V, государя, удерживавшего в своих руках значительную часть Европы и Нового Света… При нем продолжался Siglo de Oro – Золотой век Испанской империи, когда она оставалась флагманом всей католической Европы и...
Никколо Макиавелли. Государь. Искусство войны

Государь. Искусство войны

Никколо Макиавелли

В обессмертившем имя писателя трактате «Государь» итальянский дипломат Никколо Макиавелли (1469-1527) подробно описывает свойства характера, умения и методы правления, необходимые идеальному правителю. Макиавелли считает политику искусством,...
Майкл Фарадей. История свечи. Гореть, чтобы жить

История свечи. Гореть, чтобы жить

Майкл Фарадей

«История свечи» – произведение великого английского физика и химика, члена Лондонского королевского общества М. Фарадея (1791–1867). Эта книга (1860) представляет собой курс лекций, который был прочитан автором для юношеской аудитории. Фарадей...
Паоло Аливерти. Электроника для начинающих. Самый простой пошаговый самоучитель

Электроника для начинающих. Самый простой пошаговый самоучитель

Паоло Аливерти

«Электроника для начинающих» – то, что нужно тем, кто хочет разобраться в этой теме. Это подробный самоучитель с множеством иллюстраций и простых описаний того, как работают электрические цепи, ток и напряжение. Вне зависимости от того, хотите...
Кори Альтхофф. #Сам себе программист. Как научиться программировать и устроиться в Ebay

#Сам себе программист. Как научиться программировать и устроиться в Ebay

Кори Альтхофф

Перед вами прекрасное руководство для тех, кто хочет научиться программировать и планирует заниматься этим профессионально. Автор книги Кори Альтхофф за год освоил азы программирования и с легкостью устроился разрабочиком в Ebay. В книге «Сам...
Джордж Гэллап. Пульс демократии. Как работают опросы общественного мнения

Пульс демократии. Как работают опросы общественного мнения

Джордж Гэллап

Книга «Пульс демократии. Как работают опросы общественного мнения» входит в списки литературы, рекомендуемой крупнейшими научными центрами по двум направлениям: демократия и опросы общественного мнения; отнесена к хрестоматийным для изучения...
Nakkula Michael J.. Play, Talk, Learn: Promising Practices in Youth Mentoring. New Directions for Youth Development, Number 126

Play, Talk, Learn: Promising Practices in Youth Mentoring. New Directions for Youth Development, Number 126

Nakkula Michael J.

This volume brings together the findings from separate studies of community-based and school-based mentoring to unpack the common response to the question of what makes youth mentoring work. A debate that was alive in 2002, when the first New...
Downs Anthony J.. The Group 13 Metals Aluminium, Gallium, Indium and Thallium. Chemical Patterns and Peculiarities

The Group 13 Metals Aluminium, Gallium, Indium and Thallium. Chemical Patterns and Peculiarities

Downs Anthony J.

The last two decades have seen a renaissance in interest in the chemistry of the main group elements. In particular research on the metals of group 13 (aluminium, gallium, indium and thallium) has led to the synthesis and isolation of some very...
Klerk Arno de. Greener Fischer-Tropsch Processes for Fuels and Feedstocks

Greener Fischer-Tropsch Processes for Fuels and Feedstocks

Klerk Arno de

How can we use our carbon-based resources in the most responsible manner? How can we most efficiently transform natural gas, coal, or biomass into diesel, jet fuel or gasoline to drive our machines? The Big Questions today are energyrelated, and...
Fortey Richard A.. Lower Ordovician trilobites of the Kirtonryggen Formation, Spitsbergen

Lower Ordovician trilobites of the Kirtonryggen Formation, Spitsbergen

Fortey Richard A.

This monograph describes early Ordovician (Ibexian:Tremadocian–early Floian) trilobites from Northern Spitsbergen from the section through the Kirtonryggen Formation adjacent to Hinlopen Strait. The Formation is divided into three Members, each...
Heck Howard L.. Advanced Signal Integrity for High-Speed Digital Designs

Advanced Signal Integrity for High-Speed Digital Designs

Heck Howard L.

A synergistic approach to signal integrity for high-speed digital design This book is designed to provide contemporary readers with an understanding of the emerging high-speed signal integrity issues that are creating roadblocks in digital...
Reif B. A.Pettersson. Statistical Theory and Modeling for Turbulent Flows

Statistical Theory and Modeling for Turbulent Flows

Reif B. A.Pettersson

Providing a comprehensive grounding in the subject of turbulence, Statistical Theory and Modeling for Turbulent Flows develops both the physical insight and the mathematical framework needed to understand turbulent flow. Its scope enables the...
James Ian N.. Fluid Dynamics of the Mid-Latitude Atmosphere

Fluid Dynamics of the Mid-Latitude Atmosphere

James Ian N.

This book gives a coherent development of the current understanding of the fluid dynamics of the middle latitude atmosphere. It is primarily aimed at post-graduate and advanced undergraduate level students and does not assume any previous...
Tiekink Edward R.T.. The Importance of Pi-Interactions in Crystal Engineering. Frontiers in Crystal Engineering

The Importance of Pi-Interactions in Crystal Engineering. Frontiers in Crystal Engineering

Tiekink Edward R.T.

Crystal engineers aim to control the way molecules aggregate in the crystalline phase and are therefore concerned with crystal structure prediction, polymorphism, and discovering the relative importance of different types of intermolecular...
Lee Vladimir Ya.. Organometallic Compounds of Low-Coordinate Si, Ge, Sn and Pb. From Phantom Species to Stable Compounds

Organometallic Compounds of Low-Coordinate Si, Ge, Sn and Pb. From Phantom Species to Stable Compounds

Lee Vladimir Ya.

Until recently the low-coordinate compounds of the heavier elements of group 14 were known only as transient, unstable species which were difficult to isolate. However recent developments have led to the stabilisation of these compounds and...
Elkamel Ali. Planning and Integration of Refinery and Petrochemical Operations

Planning and Integration of Refinery and Petrochemical Operations

Elkamel Ali

Clearly divided into three main sections, this practical book familiarizes readers with the area of planning in petroleum refining and petrochemical industry, while introducing several planning and modeling strategies encompassing single site...
Sansone Eric B.. Destruction of Hazardous Chemicals in the Laboratory

Destruction of Hazardous Chemicals in the Laboratory

Sansone Eric B.

The book describes practical procedures for the destruction of hazardous chemicals and biological agents in the laboratory in which they are used. The book is a continuation and expansion of “Destruction of Hazardous Chemicals in the...
Eisenbrand G.. Risk Assessment of Phytochemicals in Food. Novel Approaches

Risk Assessment of Phytochemicals in Food. Novel Approaches

Eisenbrand G.

Providing the scientific background on the risk and safety assessment of toxicity in phytochemicals in everyday food, this monograph contains the pros and cons of 20 testing methods, with comments by the internationally acknowledged and...
Willatzen Morten. Separable Boundary-Value Problems in Physics

Separable Boundary-Value Problems in Physics

Willatzen Morten

Innovative developments in science and technology require a thorough knowledge of applied mathematics, particularly in the field of differential equations and special functions. These are relevant in modeling and computing applications of...
Purich Daniel L.. Advances in Enzymology and Related Areas of Molecular Biology

Advances in Enzymology and Related Areas of Molecular Biology

Purich Daniel L.

Encompasses the latest advances in the field. New series editor, Daniel Purich, is a well-known biochemist and enzymologist.
Sundquist Eric T.. Carbon Sequestration and Its Role in the Global Carbon Cycle

Carbon Sequestration and Its Role in the Global Carbon Cycle

Sundquist Eric T.

Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Geophysical Monograph Series, Volume 183. For carbon sequestration the issues of monitoring, risk assessment, and verification of carbon content and storage efficacy are perhaps the most...
Barr Margaret J.. Budgets and Financial Management in Higher Education

Budgets and Financial Management in Higher Education

Barr Margaret J.

Budgets and Financial Management in Higher Education This thoroughly updated and expanded edition of the classic resource The Jossey-Bass Academic Administrator's Guide to Budgets and Financial Management will help administrators become more...
Goh Vanessa SuLee. Complex Valued Nonlinear Adaptive Filters. Noncircularity, Widely Linear and Neural Models

Complex Valued Nonlinear Adaptive Filters. Noncircularity, Widely Linear and Neural Models

Goh Vanessa SuLee

This book was written in response to the growing demand for a text that provides a unified treatment of linear and nonlinear complex valued adaptive filters, and methods for the processing of general complex signals (circular and noncircular)....
Whittlesey Albert C.. Guide to Mitigating Spacecraft Charging Effects

Guide to Mitigating Spacecraft Charging Effects

Whittlesey Albert C.

The definitive guide to the modern body of spacecraft charging knowledge—from first principles for the beginner to intermediate and advanced concepts The only book to blend the theoretical and practical aspects of spacecraft charging, Guide to...
Metcalfe Sarah E.. Quaternary Environmental Change in the Tropics

Quaternary Environmental Change in the Tropics

Metcalfe Sarah E.

The global climate changes that led to the expansion and contraction of high latitude ice sheets during the Quaternary period were associated with equally dramatic changes in tropical environments. These included shifts in vegetation zones,...
Corey E. J.. Name Reactions for Carbocyclic Ring Formations

Name Reactions for Carbocyclic Ring Formations

Corey E. J.

This book continues the well-established and authoritative series on name reactions in organic chemistry by focusing on name reactions on ring formation. Ring formating reactions have found widespread applicability in traditional organic...
Wybenga George L.. The Packaging Designer's Book of Patterns

The Packaging Designer's Book of Patterns

Wybenga George L.

The essential packaging design resource, now with more patterns than ever! For more than two decades, The Packaging Designer's Book of Patterns has served as an indispensable source of ideas and practical solutions for a wide range of packaging...
Noam Gil G.. Teacher-Student Relationships: Toward Personalized Education. New Directions for Youth Development, Number 137

Teacher-Student Relationships: Toward Personalized Education. New Directions for Youth Development, Number 137

Noam Gil G.

Explore the complexity of teacher-student relationships in secondary school settings and learn how these largely unscripted relationships function for students and teachers in their learning and socioemotional development. For teachers, the...

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