зарубежная образовательная литература

Heinrich  Zankl. F?lscher, Schwindler, Scharlatane. Betrug in Forschung und Wissenschaft

F?lscher, Schwindler, Scharlatane. Betrug in Forschung und Wissenschaft

Heinrich Zankl

Jetzt als Sonderausgabe! Kennen Sie den Mogelfaktor? Gibt es diesen etwa auch in der hehren Forschung? Ja, und er perfektionierte beispielsweise die Ergebnisse vom ehrenwehrten Sir Isaac Newton. Er kreierte auch Laborbuchnotizen fur den...
Roland  Glaser. Heilende Magnete - strahlende Handys. Bioelektromagnetismus: Fakten und Legenden

Heilende Magnete - strahlende Handys. Bioelektromagnetismus: Fakten und Legenden

Roland Glaser

While the other works in the «Erlebnis Wissenschaft» series have concentrated on chemical substances in everyday life, this book brings to life a passionately debated physical phenomenon that has equally become an integral part of our lives –...
Heike  Will. Sei naiv und mach' ein Experiment: Feodor Lynen. Biographie des M?nchner Biochemikers und Nobelpreistr?gers

Sei naiv und mach' ein Experiment: Feodor Lynen. Biographie des M?nchner Biochemikers und Nobelpreistr?gers

Heike Will

1964 wurden Feodor Lynen und Konrad Bloch mit dem Nobelpreis fur Physiologie oder Medizin ausgezeichnet. Seit Feodor Lynens Todesjahr 1979 erhalten jahrlich bis zu 150 Nachwuchswissenschaftler ein Feodor-Lynen-Stipendium fur Forschung im Ausland...
Se-Kwon  Kim. Handbook of Marine Macroalgae. Biotechnology and Applied Phycology

Handbook of Marine Macroalgae. Biotechnology and Applied Phycology

Se-Kwon Kim

The Handbook of Macroalgae: Biotechnology and Applied Phycology describes the biological, biotechnological and the industrial applications of seaweeds. Vast research into the cultivation of seaweeds is currently being undertaken but there is a...
Ramon Torres Rios. Stereoselective Organocatalysis. Bond Formation Methodologies and Activation Modes

Stereoselective Organocatalysis. Bond Formation Methodologies and Activation Modes

Ramon Torres Rios

Sets forth an important group of environmentally friendly organic reactions With contributions from leading international experts in organic synthesis, this book presents all the most important methodologies for stereoselective organocatalysis,...
Manfred  Burghardt. Einfuhrung in Projektmanagement. Definition, Planung, Kontrolle und Abschluss

Einfuhrung in Projektmanagement. Definition, Planung, Kontrolle und Abschluss

Manfred Burghardt

Einfuhrung in Projektmanagement? bietet eine praxisorientierte, verstandliche und ubersichtliche Einfuhrung in die Methoden und Vorgehensweisen des modernen Projektmanagements, einschlie?lich der projektadaquaten Arbeitstechniken und Hinweisen...
Jane  Kucera. Reverse Osmosis. Design, Processes, and Applications for Engineers

Reverse Osmosis. Design, Processes, and Applications for Engineers

Jane Kucera

This new edition of the bestselling Reverse Osmosis is the most comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of the process of reverse osmosis in industrial applications, a technology that is becoming increasingly more important as more and more...
David Billington P.. Turme und Brucken. Die neue Kunst des Ingenieurbaus

Turme und Brucken. Die neue Kunst des Ingenieurbaus

David Billington P.

Long recognised as a classic in the USA, «The Tower and the Bridge» is now at last available in German translation. In his preface to the German edition, Jorg Schlaich writes. «This book is essential reading and a pleasure for the „structural...
Manfred  Noe. Der effektive Projektmanager. Die pers?nliche Komponente im Projektmanagement

Der effektive Projektmanager. Die pers?nliche Komponente im Projektmanagement

Manfred Noe

In diesem Buch geht es um die soziale Kompetenz, die in der Ausbildung zum Projektmanager und in der Projektmanagementliteratur bisher noch eine untergeordnete Rolle spielt. Projektmanager sind nur dann effektiv, wenn sie den Umgang mit den...
George Ludwig H.. Opening Space Research. Dreams, Technology, and Scientific Discovery

Opening Space Research. Dreams, Technology, and Scientific Discovery

George Ludwig H.

Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Special Publications Series. Opening Space Research: Dreams, Technology, and Scientific Discovery is George Ludwig's account of the early development of space-based electromagnetic...
Carsten  Konneker. Wissenschaft kommunizieren. Ein Handbuch mit vielen praktischen Beispielen

Wissenschaft kommunizieren. Ein Handbuch mit vielen praktischen Beispielen

Carsten Konneker

Das Buch ist eine systematische Einfuhrung in die Praxis guter Wissenschaftskommunikation. Anhand zahlreicher Beispiele erklart es, wie Wissenschaftler, Offentlichkeitsarbeiter und Journalisten unterschiedliche Zielgruppen uber Forschung...
Martin  Ziegler. Geotechnische Nachweise nach EC 7 und DIN 1054. Einf?hrung in Beispielen

Geotechnische Nachweise nach EC 7 und DIN 1054. Einf?hrung in Beispielen

Martin Ziegler

Safety verifications in earthworks and foundation engineering will soon have to be performed in accordance with EC 7-1. The book shows how the present procedures have to change and introduces the new code. It is thus an indispensable help to...
Kevin  Henke. Arsenic. Environmental Chemistry, Health Threats and Waste Treatment

Arsenic. Environmental Chemistry, Health Threats and Waste Treatment

Kevin Henke

This book presents an overview of the chemistry, geology, toxicology and environmental impacts of arsenic, presenting information on relatively common arsenic minerals and their key properties. In addition, it includes discussions on the...
Jon  Duckett. HTML and CSS. Erfolgreich Websites gestalten und programmieren

HTML and CSS. Erfolgreich Websites gestalten und programmieren

Jon Duckett

HTML und CSS lernen auf die kreative Art: Sie m?chten Webseiten erstellen und gestalten und brauchen daf?r noch ein wenig Grundlagenwissen? Visuelle Informationen erfassen Sie schneller und intuitiver als lange Texte? Dann ist dieses Buch f?r...
Mike Leeder R.. Sedimentology and Sedimentary Basins. From Turbulence to Tectonics

Sedimentology and Sedimentary Basins. From Turbulence to Tectonics

Mike Leeder R.

The sedimentary record on Earth stretches back more than 4.3 billion years and is present in more abbreviated forms on companion planets of the Solar System, like Mars and Venus, and doubtless elsewhere. Reading such planetary archives correctly...
Alexandra Gruber Carina. Biotech Funding Trends. Insights from Entrepreneurs and Investors

Biotech Funding Trends. Insights from Entrepreneurs and Investors

Alexandra Gruber Carina

Based on interviews with successful biotech entrepreneurs and high-level investors as well as case studies, this title provides a comprehensive overview of current trends in biotech funding. In particular, it illustrates the tensions between...
Silvio  Waisbord. Reinventing Professionalism. Journalism and News in Global Perspective

Reinventing Professionalism. Journalism and News in Global Perspective

Silvio Waisbord

Current anxiety about the future of news makes it opportune to revisit the notion of professionalism in journalism. Media expert Silvio Waisbord takes this pressing issue as his theme and argues that “professional journalism” is both a normative...
C. Neal Stewart, Jr.. Research Ethics for Scientists. A Companion for Students

Research Ethics for Scientists. A Companion for Students

C. Neal Stewart, Jr.

Research Ethics for Scientists is about best practices in all the major areas of research management and practice that are common to scientific researchers, especially those in academia. Aimed towards the younger scientist, the book critically...
Donald Gallo P.. Diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorders. A Lifespan Perspective

Diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorders. A Lifespan Perspective

Donald Gallo P.

Diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Lifespan Perspective is the first book of its kind to provide authoritative information for medical and mental health professionals on how to properly evaluate and diagnose autism spectrum disorders in...
Alain  Vignes. Extractive Metallurgy 1. Basic Thermodynamics and Kinetics

Extractive Metallurgy 1. Basic Thermodynamics and Kinetics

Alain Vignes

This book is dedicated to the processes of mineral transformation, recycling and reclamation of metals, for the purpose of turning metals and alloys into a liquid state ready for pouring. Even though «process metallurgy» is one of the oldest...
Se-Kwon  Kim. Marine Microbiology. Bioactive Compounds and Biotechnological Applications

Marine Microbiology. Bioactive Compounds and Biotechnological Applications

Se-Kwon Kim

Deliberately breaking with the classical biology-centered description of marine organisms and their products, this reference emphasizes microbial technology over basic biology, setting it apart from its predecessors. As such, it systematically...
Viacheslav Zhurin V.. Industrial Ion Sources. Broadbeam Gridless Ion Source Technology

Industrial Ion Sources. Broadbeam Gridless Ion Source Technology

Viacheslav Zhurin V.

Due to the large number of uses of ion sources in academia and industry, those who utilize these sources need up to date and coherent information to keep themselves abreast of developments and options, and to chose ideal solutions for quality...
Lorenzo  Carver. Venture Capital Valuation. Case Studies and Methodology

Venture Capital Valuation. Case Studies and Methodology

Lorenzo Carver

Real-world case studies clarify valuation principles to help readers maximize returns When founders, VCs, angels, attorneys, CFOs, CEOs, and employees don't understand the true meanings of «value» and «valuation,» they end up losing money—lots...
Zizi Papacharissi A.. A Private Sphere. Democracy in a Digital Age

A Private Sphere. Democracy in a Digital Age

Zizi Papacharissi A.

Online technologies excite the public imagination with narratives of democratization. The Internet is a political medium, borne of democracy, but is it democratizing? Late modern democracies are characterized by civic apathy, public skepticism,...
Adolf  Heschl. Darwins Traum. Die Entstehung des menschlichen Bewusstseins

Darwins Traum. Die Entstehung des menschlichen Bewusstseins

Adolf Heschl

Nach seinem erfolgreichen Werk «Das intelligente Genom» befasst sich Adolf Heschl in seinem neuen Buch mit der Entstehung des Bewusstseins wahrend der Evolutionsgeschichte. Unterhaltsam und leicht zuganglich geschrieben wartet der Autor nicht...
Gary Young C.. Municipal Solid Waste to Energy Conversion Processes. Economic, Technical, and Renewable Comparisons

Municipal Solid Waste to Energy Conversion Processes. Economic, Technical, and Renewable Comparisons

Gary Young C.

A technical and economic review of emerging waste disposal technologies Intended for a wide audience ranging from engineers and academics to decision-makers in both the public and private sectors, Municipal Solid Waste to Energy Conversion...
Andy  Hewitt. Construction Claims and Responses. Effective Writing and Presentation

Construction Claims and Responses. Effective Writing and Presentation

Andy Hewitt

Featuring a Foreword by Roger Knowles FRICS, FCIArb, FQSi, Barrister The book discusses the different types of claim common to construction contracts and presents a step-by-step guide which demonstrates the process of building up the submission...
Alexey  Bezryadin. Superconductivity in Nanowires. Fabrication and Quantum Transport

Superconductivity in Nanowires. Fabrication and Quantum Transport

Alexey Bezryadin

The importance and actuality of nanotechnology is unabated and will be for years to come. A main challenge is to understand the various properties of certain nanostructures, and how to generate structures with specific properties for use in...
Wolfgang Binder H.. Self-Healing Polymers. From Principles to Applications

Self-Healing Polymers. From Principles to Applications

Wolfgang Binder H.

Self-healing is a well-known phenomenon in nature: a broken bone merges after some time and if skin is damaged, the wound will stop bleeding and heals again. This concept can be mimicked in order to create polymeric materials with the ability to...
Avraam Isayev I.. Encyclopedia of Polymer Blends, Volume 1. Fundamentals

Encyclopedia of Polymer Blends, Volume 1. Fundamentals

Avraam Isayev I.

A complete and timely overview of the topic, this volume of the encyclopedia imparts knowledge of fundamental principles of polymer blends. Each article is uniformly structured for easy navigation, containing the latest research & development...
Katsuhiko  Ariga. Organized Organic Ultrathin Films. Fundamentals and Applications

Organized Organic Ultrathin Films. Fundamentals and Applications

Katsuhiko Ariga

This handy reference is the first comprehensive book covering both fundamentals and recent developments in the field with an emphasis on nanotechnology. Written by a highly regarded author in the field, the book details state-of-the-art...
Olaf  Kuhl. Allgemeine Chemie. F?r Biochemiker Lebenswissenschaftler, Mediziner, Pharmazeuten...

Allgemeine Chemie. F?r Biochemiker Lebenswissenschaftler, Mediziner, Pharmazeuten...

Olaf Kuhl

Kompakt und >verdammt clever< auf den Punkt gebracht – so gelingt mit diesem klar strukturierten Lehrbuch der optimale Einstieg in die Grundlagen der Chemie. Nicht nur fur angehende Chemiker, Biochemiker und Chemieingenieure, sondern auch fur...
Wilfried Lindenzweig H.. Wissen macht schlau. Grosse Themen leicht erz?hlt

Wissen macht schlau. Grosse Themen leicht erz?hlt

Wilfried Lindenzweig H.

Klimawandel, Finanzkrise oder mogliche Nebenwirkungen von Medikamenten – es scheint in unserer modernen Zeit immer schwieriger zu werden, den Durchblick zu behalten, Zusammenhange zu verstehen oder Risiken einschatzen zu konnen. Wilfried H....
Joachim N?lte. ICP Emissionsspektrometrie f?r Praktiker. Grundlagen, Methodenentwicklung, Anwendungsbeispiele

ICP Emissionsspektrometrie f?r Praktiker. Grundlagen, Methodenentwicklung, Anwendungsbeispiele

Joachim N?lte

Das Basis-Know-how fur richtige ICP-OES-Analytik! Erstmalig ist eine deutschsprachige, leicht verstandliche und anwenderorientierte Einfuhrung in die ICP-Emissionspektrometrie verfugbar. Sie umfa?t die praxisrelevanten Grundlagen,...
Seyla  Benhabib. Dignity in Adversity. Human Rights in Troubled Times

Dignity in Adversity. Human Rights in Troubled Times

Seyla Benhabib

The language of human rights has become the public vocabulary of our contemporary world. Ironically, as the political influence of human rights has grown, their philosophical justification has become ever more controversial. Building on a theory...
Girish Malhotra K.. Chemical Process Simplification. Improving Productivity and Sustainability

Chemical Process Simplification. Improving Productivity and Sustainability

Girish Malhotra K.

While emphasizing conservation and sustainable strategies, this book provides steps to improve the manufacturing technologies used in creating products. By simplifying the chemistry, process development, manufacturing practices and processes,...
Nissim  Garti. Self-Assembled Supramolecular Architectures. Lyotropic Liquid Crystals

Self-Assembled Supramolecular Architectures. Lyotropic Liquid Crystals

Nissim Garti

This book will describe fundamentals and recent developments in the area of Self-Assembled Supramolecular Architecture and their relevance to the understanding of the functionality of membranes as delivery systems for active ingredients. As the...
E. Billo Joseph. Excel for Chemists. A Comprehensive Guide

Excel for Chemists. A Comprehensive Guide

E. Billo Joseph

Reviews from previous editions: «Excel for Chemists should be part of any academic library offering courses and programs in Chemistry.» —Choice «I highly recommend the book; treat yourself to it; assign it to a class; give it as a gift.» —The...
Paul Scudder H.. Electron Flow in Organic Chemistry. A Decision-Based Guide to Organic Mechanisms

Electron Flow in Organic Chemistry. A Decision-Based Guide to Organic Mechanisms

Paul Scudder H.

Sets forth the analytical tools needed to solve key problems in organic chemistry With its acclaimed decision-based approach, Electron Flow in Organic Chemistry enables readers to develop the essential critical thinking skills needed to analyze...
Hugh Rollinson R.. Early Earth Systems. A Geochemical Approach

Early Earth Systems. A Geochemical Approach

Hugh Rollinson R.

Early Earth Systems provides a complete history of the Earth from its beginnings to the end of the Archaean. This journey through the Earth's early history begins with the Earth's origin, then examines the evolution of the mantle, the origin of...
Nicholas Cheremisinoff P.. Dust Explosion and Fire Prevention Handbook. A Guide to Good Industry Practices

Dust Explosion and Fire Prevention Handbook. A Guide to Good Industry Practices

Nicholas Cheremisinoff P.

This handy volume is a ready “go to” reference for the chemical engineer, plant manager, process engineer, or chemist working in industrial settings where dust explosions could be a concern, such as the process industries, coal industry, metal...
Jeffrey Miles A.. Management and Organization Theory. A Jossey-Bass Reader

Management and Organization Theory. A Jossey-Bass Reader

Jeffrey Miles A.

Management and Organization Theory offers a summary and analysis of the 40 most popular, researched, and applied management and organization theories. This important resource includes key instruments used to measure variables in each theory and...
Mohamed El-Reedy A.. Construction Management for Industrial Projects. A Modular Guide for Project Managers

Construction Management for Industrial Projects. A Modular Guide for Project Managers

Mohamed El-Reedy A.

This book presents techniques for effective and successful project management across all phases of the project, covering all of the management tools and leadership skills for any industrial project. It presents advanced modern tools for use by...
Francis Waller J.. Writing Chemistry Patents and Intellectual Property. A Practical Guide

Writing Chemistry Patents and Intellectual Property. A Practical Guide

Francis Waller J.

Understanding intellectual property, safeguarding your ideas Intellectual property is constantly at risk, and the protection of chemical science and technology through the patenting process allows individuals and companies to protect their hard...
J. Cooper David. Soil Water Measurement. A Practical Handbook

Soil Water Measurement. A Practical Handbook

J. Cooper David

This book is written for all those involved in measurement of soil water phenomena, whether they be environmental scientists, field technicians, agronomists, meteorologists, hydrogeologists, foresters, physical geographers, civil or water...
Iain Clark J.. Foreign Exchange Option Pricing. A Practitioner's Guide

Foreign Exchange Option Pricing. A Practitioner's Guide

Iain Clark J.

This book covers foreign exchange options from the point of view of the finance practitioner. It contains everything a quant or trader working in a bank or hedge fund would need to know about the mathematics of foreign exchange—not just the...
Carl  Drago. Implant Restorations. A Step-by-Step Guide

Implant Restorations. A Step-by-Step Guide

Carl Drago

Implant Restorations: A Step-by-Step Guide, Third Edition offers clinicians a practical, step-by-step approach to treatment planning and restoring dental implants. This highly illustrated, case-based book demonstrates how to treat the most...
Allan Beane L.. Bullying Prevention for Schools. A Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing a Successful Anti-Bullying Program

Bullying Prevention for Schools. A Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing a Successful Anti-Bullying Program

Allan Beane L.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing a Successful ANTI-BullyING Program Bullying can be found in every school system, school, and classroom. It is destructive to the well-being of students, creates unsafe schools, and impacts learning. School...
Paul Palmer I.. Essential Maths for Geoscientists. An Introduction

Essential Maths for Geoscientists. An Introduction

Paul Palmer I.

Maths for Geoscientists is an accessible, student-friendly introduction to the essential mathematics required by those students taking degree courses within the Geosciences. Clearly structured throughout, this book carefully guides the student...
Gail  Kelley. Construction Law. An Introduction for Engineers, Architects, and Contractors

Construction Law. An Introduction for Engineers, Architects, and Contractors

Gail Kelley

For a construction business to function properly, architects, engineers, and contractors need to understand how the various state and federal laws affect their business and how to avoid disputes and exposure to liability. This book offers a...

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