Strategic planning and tactical fundraising can maximize income and minimize costs Fundraising is the lifeblood of the nonprofit, and, successful or otherwise, determines the organization's ability to provide for the group it serves. Every...
A progressive, research-based approach for making learning visible Based on the Reggio Emilia approach to learning, Visible Learners highlights learning through interpreting objects and artifacts, group learning, and documentation to make...
Securing virtual environments for VMware, Citrix, and Microsoft hypervisors Virtualization changes the playing field when it comes to security. There are new attack vectors, new operational patterns and complexity, and changes in IT architecture...
The inspiration you need to help improve your photography skills Well-known for their stunning world-class photography, has worked with their most talented photographers to handpick 100 awe-inspiring images and provided the back-story and...
Based on an extensive worldwide study, this book reveals what gets boys excited about learning Reaching Boys, Teaching Boys challenges the widely-held cultural impression that boys are stubbornly resistant to schooling while providing concrete...
In the second edition of her critically acclaimed book The Dreamkeepers, Gloria Ladson-Billings revisits the eight teachers who were profiled in the first edition and introduces us to new teachers who are current exemplars of good teaching. She...
A practical, step-by-step guide to leading change efforts for sustainable results Leading Change Step-by-Step offers a comprehensive and tactical guide for change leaders. Spiro's approach has been field-tested for more than a decade and proven...
The essential guidelines for leading effective change in your school From an education expert comes a much-needed resource that gives teacher leaders the strategies and tools they need to improve their practice and assume new leadership roles in...
The 7 keys to property investment success Brimming with fresh content designed to suit current trends in the market, Unlocking the Property Market shares expert property market analyst John Lindeman's tips and techniques on where to buy, what to...
Finding Mrs. Warnecke tells the inspiring story of Cindi Rigsbee, a three-time Teacher of the Year, and Barbara Warnecke, the first-grade teacher who had a profound and lasting impact on Cindi's life. Cindi, an insecure child who craved positive...
An accessible guide to the essential issues of corporate finance While you can find numerous books focused on the topic of corporate finance, few offer the type of information managers need to help them make important decisions day in and day...
The market approach aims to establish the value of a company based on how similar firms are priced on the stock exchange or through company transactions. Using the market approach, price-related indicators such as price to earnings, sales and...
A comprehensive look at the essentials of Islamic capital markets Bringing together theoretical and practical aspects of capital markets, Islamic Capital Markets offers readers a comprehensive insight into the institutions, instruments, and...
A detailed look at a diverse set of Cloud topics, particularly Azure and Office 365 More and more companies are realizing the power and potential of Cloud computing as a viable way to save energy and money. This valuable book offers an in-depth...
Цель живописи – не только создание произведений искусства. Это занятие должно и может приносить удовольствие, успокаивать, отгонять мрачные мысли, бодрить и заряжать энергией. Британская художница Джин Хэйнс научит вас несложным, но эффективным...
Книга известного сербского историка и дипломата, директора Института балканистики Сербской академии наук и искусств (САНУ) Душана Батаковича посвящена детальному анализу эволюции косовского вопроса в XVIII – начале XXI вв. Особое внимание автор...
Это удивительное пособие поможет всем изучающим корейский язык не только быстро начать говорить по-корейски, но также познакомиться с особенностями корейской культуры. Книга состоит из двадцати пяти уроков, каждый из которых освещает какую-то...
В своей книге М. Мазовер размышляет о проблеме национального и интернационального начала в международных отношениях. Рассматривая полярные концепции – эволюцию различных вариантов тоталитарной интернационалистической утопии и идею установления...
Волшебные свойства золотого сечения соткали вокруг этой пропорции ореол тайны и мистического поклонения. Еще древние видели в золотом сечении отражение космического порядка. Учение о символике чисел наделяло эти знаки философским смыслом и даже...
Непостижимые формы, динамичные и призрачные, завораживают зрителей. Почему фракталы обладают таким мощным воздействием? Психологи отметили, что при погружении во фрактальные паттерны сознание зрителя вступает в резонанс с ними: левое полушарие...
Пособие создано при содействии Американского фонда по преодолению заикания по материалам книги «Sometimes I Just Stutter» и предназначено для работы с детьми младшего школьного возраста с заиканием. Пособие рекомендуется к использованию в...
В очень популярной, доступной форме известный норвежский философ Л. Свендсен дает свое оригинальное видение того, что же такое философия. Наука о мудрости – такое определение предлагает автор. Философствовать – значит подвергать сомнению свое...
В основу этой книги легли знаменитые лекции Ричарда Фейнмана, прочитанные им в Калифорнийском университете. В этих лекциях прославленный физик рассказывает о квантовой электродинамике – теории, в создании которой принимал участие он сам, –...
Древнегреческий философ Платон был учеником Сократа, которого высоко чтил, и учителем Аристотеля. Считая, что настоящая философия может существовать только при условии постоянного диалога, Платон и свои произведения написал в такой же форме,...
To ensure competitive advantage for their companies in wireless product development, developers need to understand how wireless technologies work, what impact they have on applications being developed, and how to use them to optimize products...
Make Money with Affordable Apartment Buildings and Commercial Properties, Second Edition, shows you how to build wealth with affordable multi-unit residential and commercial buildings. Low-priced income properties can yield higher returns than...
Pay a lower commission-and keep more of your money! Most homeowners assume that everyone pays the same six percent on Realtor commissions. But, in fact, some people pay much less and some people pay much more. And with today's overheated housing...
This unique resource provides 190 high-interest, ready-to-use activities to help students master basic math skills— including whole numbers, decimals, fractions, percentages, money concepts, geometry and measurement, charts and graphs, and...
The most comprehensive guide to property investment in Eastern Europe available. Whether you're buying a second home or looking to invest, the smart money is heading to Eastern Europe. Plan every aspect of your property investment with this...
If you've ever bought, owned, or sold a home–or are about to–you know how exciting and how daunting it can be. Buying, Owning and Selling a Home in Canada, Second Edition, completely revised and updated, tells you absolutely everything you need...
The Canon Digital Rebel XTi/400D is an ideal camera for first-time digital SLR users. Unfortunately if you don't know photography lingo you might find yourself never veering from your camera's default settings and into all the cool features that...
Ancient strategies provide a valuable link to enhance your ability to survive and prosper in modern financial markets. In this fascinating book, experienced trader and best-selling author Daryl Guppy explains how The 36 Strategies of the Chinese...
Revised and updated to cover changes to all of Office's applications and productivity tools Offers beyond-the-basics coverage of Office word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, e-mail, databases, and desktop publishing Covers Word, Excel,...
If you want to gain proficiency and expertise with SolidWorks surface modeling, this is the resource for you. You'll learn how to apply concepts, utilize tools, and combine techniques and strategies in hands-on tutorials. This Bible covers the...
Entering the world of conspiracy theories and secret societies is like stepping into a distant, parallel universe where the laws of physics have completely changed: black means white, up is down, and if you want to understand what’s really going...
Learn to use all parts of Office for Mac with this easy, visual method Since its release in January 2008, Microsoft Office 2008 for the Mac has sold faster than any previous edition. Including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Entourage, this office...
A full-color, go-anywhere guide to Nikon's entire array of creative lighting possibilities Nikon's Creative Lighting System is like having a low-cost, wireless, studio lighting system that's portable enough to fit into a camera bag. Although the...
FREE $1,595 Quick-Start Real Estate Success Program! See page 217 for details. Buy Real Estate Without Cash or Credit! Imagine having two multi-millionaires take you by the hand and personally mentor you to get started making big money investing...
Adobe software has always been highly respected for creative design and development. Its programs allow you to produce amazing designs and creations with ease, and with the release of the Adobe Creative Suite 2, you can design a wide range of...
If you’re responsible for producing quality printed materials or creating great-looking Web pages for your business or organization, Adobe’s new Creative Suite has just what you need. This complete set of integrated graphics, design, and Web...
An insightful, compassionate account of the grieving process that helps us through the pain and isolation experienced with the loss of a loved one.. We're never really prepared for the loss of someone we love. Thrown into a state of emotional...
For the first time ever, the senior architect and lead developer for a key enterprise system on NASA's ongoing Mars Exploration Rover mission shares the secrets to one of the most difficult technology tasks of all-successful software development...
The Canadian Guide to Investing in Residential Property Successful real estate investments play an essential role in Canadian investors' portfolios. The growth in wealth in real estate markets has presented investors with tremendous...
"…perfect for the digital photographer.... The depth of information on all aspects of color control is astonishing. Anyone who needs detailed control over every aspect of their images will revel in this book." —Computer Arts Magazine...
Thinking about becoming a commercial real estate investor? Commercial Real Estate Investing For Dummies covers the entire process, offering practical advice on negotiation and closing win-win deals and maximizing profit. From office buildings to...
Take years off your keepsake photos or enhance the current ones with Photoshop CS3's powerful tools and the expert techniques and tips you'll find in this comprehensive guide. Using step-by-step instructions and over 500 pages of full-color...
If you’re as excited as we are about the Rebel XSi/450D, you probably can’t wait to start shooting. Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi/450D For Dummies will show you how to make every shot count! Even if you’re new to digital SLR cameras or are...
The digital photographer's workflow is divided into two distinct parts – the Production Workflow and the Creative Workflow. The Production workflow is used to import and organize large numbers of images, and prepare them for presentation via...
Learn the tips and tricks used by a top photographer in the digital photography industry in Rick Sammon's Top Digital Photography Secrets. Filled with beautiful photographs and the techniques Rick Sammon used to capture them, this book offers...
Buying a property abroad is one of the biggest decisions you'll ever make. But don't worry – your Spanish dream needn't become a nightmare. From finding an estate agent and arranging a mortgage to negotiating the best price and moving in, this...