Somewhere, Home

Nada Jarrar Awar. Somewhere, Home
Nada Jarrar Awar. Somewhere, Home
4.35 из 5, отдано 13 голосов
This remarkable novel tells the story of three women, each of them far from where they came, all of whom are still searching for somewhere that can be called home.This book was published by Heinemann in 2004. It has been out of print since 2005.Maysa returns to the house that was her grandparents' home , in a village high on the slopes of Mount Lebanon.Aida, long a traveller far from the land of her birth, returns in search for the man, a refugee, who was so much more of a father to her than her ownSalwa, who was taken from her homeland when a young bride and delivered to another family, another country, returns to find the person she once was.

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