биографии и мемуары

Catherine Simpson. When I Had a Little Sister

When I Had a Little Sister

Catherine Simpson

When I had a Little Sister by Catherine Simpson is a searingly honest and heartbreaking account of growing up in a farming family, and of Catherine’s search for understanding into what led her younger sister to kill herself at 46. It’s a story...
Пол Кикс. The Saboteur

The Saboteur

Пол Кикс

In the tradition of ‘Agent Zigzag’ comes a breathtaking biography of WWII’s ‘Scarlet Pimpernel’ as fast-paced and emotionally intuitive as the best spy thrillers. This celebrates unsung hero Robert de La Rochefoucauld, an aristocrat turned...
Hannah Lucinda Smith. Erdogan Rising

Erdogan Rising

Hannah Lucinda Smith

‘Essential reading for anyone interested in Turkey and its future.’ Literary Review‘Essential reading full stop.’ Peter Frankopan‘It is a must.’ The TimesWho is Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and how did he lead a democracy on the fringe of Europe into...
Alastair Humphreys. My Midsummer Morning

My Midsummer Morning

Alastair Humphreys

A Financial Times Summer Book of 2019Seasoned adventurer Alastair Humphreys pushes himself to his very limits – busking his way across Spain with a violin he can barely play.In 1935 a young Englishman named Laurie Lee arrived in Spain. He had...
Emily Jane Fox. Born Trump

Born Trump

Emily Jane Fox

As a writer at Vanity Fair covering the Trump family, Emily Jane Fox has spent the last year doing a deep dive into the lives of the President’s children. Born Trump is the explosive narrative of her findings as an insider within the most...
Cathy Glass. Innocent: Part 2 of 3

Innocent: Part 2 of 3

Cathy Glass

Innocent can either be read as a full-length eBook or in 3 serialised eBook-only parts.This is PART 2 of 3Innocent is the shocking true story of little Molly and Kit, siblings, aged 3 years and 18 months, who are brought into care as an...
Cathy Glass. Innocent: Part 3 of 3

Innocent: Part 3 of 3

Cathy Glass

Innocent can either be read as a full-length eBook or in 3 serialised eBook-only parts.This is PART 3 of 3Innocent is the shocking true story of little Molly and Kit, siblings, aged 3 years and 18 months, who are brought into care as an...
Heidi Blake. From Russia with Blood

From Russia with Blood

Heidi Blake

The explosive, untold story of how Russia mastered the art and science of targeted assassination‘A real life thriller, packed with characters that even John le Carr? couldn't dream of. If this doesn't scare you, then you're not...
Cathy Glass. Damaged, A Baby’s Cry and The Night the Angels Came 3-in-1 Collection

Damaged, A Baby’s Cry and The Night the Angels Came 3-in-1 Collection

Cathy Glass

Sunday Times and New York Times bestselling author and foster carer Cathy Glass’ three inspirational memoirs, Damaged, A Baby’s Cry and The Night the Angels Came, now available for the first time in a single volume.Damaged is the heartbreaking...
Оливер Стоун. В погоне за светом. О жизни и работе над фильмами «Взвод», «Полуночный экспресс», «Лицо со шрамом», «Сальвадор»

В погоне за светом. О жизни и работе над фильмами «Взвод», «Полуночный экспресс», «Лицо со шрамом», «Сальвадор»

Оливер Стоун

Перед тем, как «Взвод» принес Оливеру Стоуну международный успех, он воевал во Вьетнаме, был дважды ранен. Вернувшись с войны, он поступил в Нью-Йоркский университет, где учился киноискусству у Мартина Скорсезе. По ночам Стоун водил такси, а...
Katy Brand. I Carried a Watermelon

I Carried a Watermelon

Katy Brand

’Massively enjoyable’ Dawn FrenchI Carried a Watermelon is a love story to Dirty Dancing. A warm, witty and accessible look at how Katy Brand’s life-long obsession with the film has influenced her own attitudes to sex, love, romance, rights and...
Richard Humphreys. Under Pressure

Under Pressure

Richard Humphreys

‘One of the finest memoirs published in recent years.’ Dan Jones‘An utterly fascinating and wonderfully detailed insight into the hidden world of the modern submarine.’ James HollandA candid, visceral, and incredibly entertaining account of what...
Daisy Dunn. In the Shadow of Vesuvius

In the Shadow of Vesuvius

Daisy Dunn

Ash spewed into the sky. All eyes were on Vesuvius. Pliny the Elder sailed towards the phenomenon. A teenage Pliny the Younger waited. His uncle did not come back.In a dazzling new literary biography, Daisy Dunn introduces Pliny the Younger, the...
Cathy Glass. Saving Danny

Saving Danny

Cathy Glass

The fifteenth fostering memoir by Cathy Glass. Danny was petrified and clung to me in desperation as I carried him to my car. Trapped in his own dark world, he couldn't understand why his parents no longer loved or wanted him, and were...
Richard  Holmes. Footsteps


Richard Holmes

Richard Holmes’s great work of biographical exploration, published alongside its sister volume ‘Sidetracks’.In 1985, Richard Holmes published a small book of essays called ‘Footsteps’ and the writing of biography was changed forever. A daring...
Mark Dery. Born to Be Posthumous

Born to Be Posthumous

Mark Dery

The definitive biography of Edward Gorey, the eccentric master of macabre nonsense.’A genius book about a bookish genius’ Daniel Handler, author of A Series of Unfortunate EventsFrom The Gashlycrumb Tinies to The Doubtful Guest, Edward...
Vanessa Steel. Punished


Vanessa Steel

‘Punished’ is the inspiring true story of an unusual little girl, Vanessa, whose childhood was devastated by torture and abuse at the hands of her sadistic mother. Vanessa was nearly destroyed until she discovered a secret that ultimately saved...
Ван Сяоцян. Интересы партии превыше всего. Биография Си Чжунсюнь

Интересы партии превыше всего. Биография Си Чжунсюнь

Ван Сяоцян

Книга познакомит вас с видным членом Коммунистической партии Китая, руководителем по политической работе и Народно-освободительной армии. Авторы расскажут о жизненных перипетиях, взлетах и падениях, недюжинном упорстве, честности, преданности...
Лю Хуэйюань. Наследуя старое, открывать новое. Биография Гу Му

Наследуя старое, открывать новое. Биография Гу Му

Лю Хуэйюань

Это книга о судьбе Гу Му – видного реформатора и преданного делу революции деятеля Коммунистической партии Китая. Еще юношей вступив в ряды подпольщиков, в годы антияпонского сопротивления Гу Му проявил себя как храбрый воин и талантливый...
Ли Цыянь. Особому делу – особый подход. Биография Жэнь Чжунъи

Особому делу – особый подход. Биография Жэнь Чжунъи

Ли Цыянь

Книга рассказывает о жизни и политической деятельности Жэнь Чжунъи – убежденного сторонника реформ и выдающегося члена Коммунистической партии Китая. Еще студентом он включился в политическую жизнь страны и проработал на благо Китая более 70...
Ся Мэн. Служить, а не искать выгоду. Биография Сян Наня

Служить, а не искать выгоду. Биография Сян Наня

Ся Мэн

Эта книга расскажет о жизненном пути Сян Наня – одного из выдающихся деятелей Коммунистической партии Китая, смелого и талантливого реформатора. В годы войны – антияпонская пропаганда, в мирное время – кампания по механизации сельского...
Михаил Грачев. В батальоне правительственной связи. Воспоминания семнадцатилетнего солдата. 1943—1945

В батальоне правительственной связи. Воспоминания семнадцатилетнего солдата. 1943—1945

Михаил Грачев

В книге Михаила Карповича Грачева (1926–2018) рассказано о судьбе совсем еще юного парня, в 17 лет призванного в Красную армию и дошедшего до самого берлинского Рейхстага. Несмотря на то что М.К. Грачев был распределен в батальон НКВД...
Валентин Фалин. Валентин Фалин – уникальная фигура советской дипломатии

Валентин Фалин – уникальная фигура советской дипломатии

Валентин Фалин

Валентин Михайлович Фалин – уникальное и незабываемое явление советской дипломатии, политики, науки. Квинтэссенция уникальности его личности в том, что и знания, и опыт, и характер, и судьба выковали в нем принципы и бесстрашие. За то, что он не...
Anelia Schutte. For The People

For The People

Anelia Schutte

A small town’s struggle for freedom against apartheid‘They call her Nobantu. I call her mother.’Anelia Schutte grew up in Knysna – a beautiful town on the coast of South Africa centred around a picturesque lagoon and popular with tourists.But...
Иван Владимирович Тюленев. Через три войны. Воспоминания командующего Южным и Закавказским фронтами. 1941—1945

Через три войны. Воспоминания командующего Южным и Закавказским фронтами. 1941—1945

Иван Владимирович Тюленев

Через три войны прошел автор этой книги, генерал армии Иван Владимирович Тюленев (1892—1978). Он остался в российской военной истории обладателем единственного сочетания высших боевых наград. Полный Георгиевский кавалер, кавалер трех орденов...
Casey Watson. Mummy’s Little Helper

Mummy’s Little Helper

Casey Watson

The fifth book from bestselling author and specialist foster carer Casey Watson.A recent census shows that there are at least 175,000 child carers in the UK, 13,000 of whom care for more than 50 hours a week. Many remain invisible to a system...
Casey Watson. A Dark Secret: Part 2 of 3

A Dark Secret: Part 2 of 3

Casey Watson

Part 2 of 3Just when Casey thinks her foster care duties are done, she’s asked to look after Sam, a troubled nine-year-old with a violent streak who drove his previous guardians to release him of their care. It soon unfolds, however, that this...
Jonathan Rea. Dream. Believe. Achieve. My Autobiography

Dream. Believe. Achieve. My Autobiography

Jonathan Rea

‘If I had to lose my record to anyone, I couldn’t be happier that it was Jonathan. Family connections aside, there is nobody more talented, more determined or more deserving.’ – Carl FogartyWithin the staggeringly dangerous and high-pressure...
Cathy Glass. Finding Stevie

Finding Stevie

Cathy Glass

Finding Stevie is a dark and poignant true story that highlights the dangers lurking online.When Stevie’s social worker tells Cathy, an experienced foster carer, that Stevie, 14, is gender fluid she isn’t sure what that term means and looks it...
Richard  Holmes. Dr Johnson and Mr Savage

Dr Johnson and Mr Savage

Richard Holmes

A classic reissue of Richard Holmes’s brilliant book on Samuel Johnson’s friendship with the poet Richard Savage, which won the James Tait Black Prize for Biography.Dr Johnson & Mr Savage is the story of a mysterious eighteenth-century...
Adam  Zamoyski. Napoleon


Adam Zamoyski

‘Napoleon is an out-and-out masterpiece and a joy to read’ Sir Antony Beevor, author of StalingradA landmark new biography that presents the man behind the many myths. The first writer in English to go back to the original European sources, Adam...
John  Walsh. The Globalist

The Globalist

John Walsh

THE GLOBALIST is the first in-depth biography of an international power-broker who was instrumental in shaping the global economy that we know today.PETER SUTHERLAND played a defining role in world history over the past 25 years and was arguably...
Don Hale. Murder in the Graveyard

Murder in the Graveyard

Don Hale

‘An Extraordinary story of innocence and persecution, determination and grit … it had me rattling through the pages’ SOPHIE DRAPERA gripping true crime investigation into the longest miscarriage of justice in British legal history.In September...
Amrou Al-Kadhi. Life as a Unicorn

Life as a Unicorn

Amrou Al-Kadhi

From a god-fearing Muslim boy enraptured with their mother, to a vocal, queer drag queen estranged from their family, this is a heart-breaking and hilarious memoir about the author’s fight to be true to themself‘It should be read far and wide’...
Will Brooker. Why Bowie Matters

Why Bowie Matters

Will Brooker

A unique, moving and dazzlingly researched exploration of the places, people, musicians, writers and filmmakers that inspired David Jones to become David Bowie, what we can learn from his life’s work and journey, and why he will always...
Andrea Corr. Barefoot Pilgrimage

Barefoot Pilgrimage

Andrea Corr

Andrea Corr’s Barefoot Pilgrimage is a compelling and honest memoir.In part, an exercise in coming to terms with and making sense of life and mortality following the loss of a beloved father; in part, a reflection on an unlikely journey with her...
Olivia Siegl. Bonkers


Olivia Siegl

A Real Mum’s Hilariously Honest Tales of Motherhood, Mayhem and Mental Health ‘A wonderful book all mums should read!’ Gemma Atkinson’A book to be shared the world over.’ ’ I do believe this book will save lives!’ ’This book made me proud to be...
Brian O’Connell. The Personals

The Personals

Brian O’Connell

The Personals reveals how classified ads are not just a few commercial lines of text in print or online – they can be a treasure trove of fascinating human stories; stories of love, loss, loneliness, redemption and hope.Some people do Sudoku,...
Matt Bai. The Front Runner (All the Truth Is Out Movie Tie-in)

The Front Runner (All the Truth Is Out Movie Tie-in)

Matt Bai

Now a major motion picture starring Hugh Jackman.When politics went tabloid…In May 1987, Colorado Senator Gary Hart seemed like a no-brainer for the Democratic party’s presidential nomination. He was articulate, dashing, refreshingly progressive...
Lisa  Appignanesi. Everyday Madness

Everyday Madness

Lisa Appignanesi

‘The small translucent bottle of shampoo outlived him. It was the kind you take home from hotels in distant places. For over a year it had sat on the shower shelf where he had left it. I looked at it every day.’After the death of her partner of...
Группа авторов. Семь дней ТВ-программа №48/2020

Семь дней ТВ-программа №48/2020

Группа авторов

«Семь дней ТВ-программа» – развлекательный иллюстрированный журнал для семейного чтения, содержащий аннотированную телепрограмму. Телепрограмма с 23 по 29 ноября.
Cathy Glass. Finding Stevie: Part 2 of 3

Finding Stevie: Part 2 of 3

Cathy Glass

Part 2 of 3Finding Stevie is a dark and poignant true story that highlights the dangers lurking online.When Stevie’s social worker tells Cathy, an experienced foster carer, that Stevie, 14, is gender fluid she isn’t sure what that term means and...
Cathy Glass. Finding Stevie: Part 3 of 3

Finding Stevie: Part 3 of 3

Cathy Glass

Part 3 of 3Finding Stevie is a dark and poignant true story that highlights the dangers lurking online.When Stevie’s social worker tells Cathy, an experienced foster carer, that Stevie, 14, is gender fluid she isn’t sure what that term means and...
Kelsey Miller. I'll Be There For You

I'll Be There For You

Kelsey Miller

‘Funny, enlightening and incredibly well-researched’ Emerald StreetOver twenty years since its low-profile debut and Friends is the most streamed show on UK Netflix. But has it stood the test of time? Are some parts of it more problematic than...
Группа авторов. Poems for a Pandemic

Poems for a Pandemic

Группа авторов

A collection of brilliant poems written by people working on the frontline of the Covid-19 pandemicAll revenues received by HarperCollins directly from sales of this ebook will be donated to NHS Charities Together for their Covid-19...
Lydia Davies. Raw


Lydia Davies

Lydia was 19 years old and enjoying university with a loving family and great friends when she became anorexic. The doctors told her that she would die.This is Lydia’s account of what anorexia did to her, how it changed her and how it impacted...
Cathy Glass. Can I Let You Go?

Can I Let You Go?

Cathy Glass

Can I Let You Go? is the true story of Faye, a wonderful young woman who may never be able to parent her unborn child.Faye is 24, pregnant, and has learning difficulties as a result of her mother’s alcoholism. Faye is gentle, childlike and...
Sean  Smith. Meghan Misunderstood

Meghan Misunderstood

Sean Smith

Meghan Misunderstood is a pioneering book that sets the record straight on the most talked about, unfairly vilified and misrepresented woman in the world.Meghan was eleven when she first advocated for women’s rights; a teenager when she worked...
Xandra Bingley. Bertie, May and Mrs Fish

Bertie, May and Mrs Fish

Xandra Bingley

A lyrical, evocative and wonderfully original wartime memoir about life on a farm in the Cotswolds, seen through the eyes of a child.‘Bertie, May and Mrs Fish’ is Xandra Bingley’s account of her childhood on a Cotswold farm, set against the...
Isabel George. The Dog that Saved My Life

The Dog that Saved My Life

Isabel George

Five incredible true stories of canine bravery in wartime.For as long as dogs have lived alongside man, they have saved their lives in wartime with their bravery, loyalty and companionship. From the WWII dog that was adopted by the Royal Navy as...

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